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Are you looking for a way to educate yourself AND change your lifestyle? Then you’ll wanna run to grab the Fat Chance! book that was written by author Susan Maiava, Ph.D.
Fat Chance! is more of a workbook. With the 12-week holistic program you’ll be documenting your habits and change them forever. It really is life-changing as you begin to realize how much junk is actually going into your body. Before the book, I just ate because I was hungry, like all of us! However, there were times I would eat out of boredom, sadness or pure emotion. Once I began to document the foods that I was actually putting into my body I was quite disgusted.
I quickly realized that this wasn’t the life I wanted to live and didn’t want to bring to my children. As we know children absorb EVERYTHING and that involves what we are parents are feeding them. Once I realized we were eating LOTS of sugary foods for breakfast, I cut back and began adding more proteins and fruits. I also noticed our tendency to grab food on the go because it was convenient was no longer going to work either if I was really wanting to focus on foods with lots of nutrients. So I began to cook with more veggies since they are quick and easy. Not to mention dinner portions got less while more veggies were added.
I’ve come to realize I’ll also crave sweets. So instead of grabbing a candy bar or a tub of ice cream, I reach for fruit. If I’m craving something crunchy I go towards green beans, broccoli or even baby carrots!
I love the fact that the Fat Chance! educates you and is essentially why I wanted to review the book. There are often times I’ve wondered how I can eat better not only for myself but, for my family as well. This book has done a number on me mentally. My grocery shopping habits have changed. I can’t wait for the Farmers Markets to open and most importantly I have found a passion for cooking meals that are not only filling and inexpensive but, healthy for my entire crew!
Start your lifestyle change now and purchase your hardcover copy of Fat Chance for just $25 on!
Dieting right now and would love to read
I need this workbook badly1 I need a lifestyle change to lose weight.
It’s a 12 week program that you interact with the book
it would keep track of your eating habits. so much easier
Learning how thin people eat can help me lose weight 🙂
I like that it has a holistic and psychological approach. I desperately need to attack my weight loss from a different angle. My biggest hurdle is the mental side of losing weight.
I learned that Fat Chance! is a high quality, easy to use, engaging, contemporary and practical weight loss workbook, illustrated in full color. Over 12 weeks the layers build and lifestyle change is embedded.
Change some of my eating habits and to learn new ways to improve my overall health.
I learned that their calorie calculator is using the Mifflin-St Jeor equation to calculate BMR.
I learned that this workbook Fat Chance is a twelve week workbook to help learn how to eat like a thin person and to keep a record of your everyday eating. I would love to win this book.
Fat Chance is not a diet plan it is a system to help you think and eat the same way a thin person does. Sounds great to me. Thanks!
Would like to win this because I need to lose about 60 pounds and don’t know where to start. This could really help me kickstart my weight loss.
I would like to win this workbook so I can change some of my bad eating habits