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I was recently sent a wellness package from Smith Brothers and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Last week, both my son and I were sick and stuck in bed for days. We both had really bad sore throats along with earaches. Smith Brothers offer both cold and cough products to help with your immune system, products to help while you are sick and products to help keep you staying healthy.
Since 1847, Smith Brothers has been one of America’s most trusted brands. While they have been around quite a while, I have not heard of them before. But now I am glad to have tried them out.
Warm Apple Pie Warming Throat Drops – These really do provide a slight warming sensation. Also available in Wild Cherry(my favorite), Sugar-Free Black Cherry, Honey Lemon, and Menthol Eucalyptus. The Honey Lemon contains a hint of chamomile and melatonin made specifically for nighttime use.
Black Licorice Throat Drops – No one in my hose likes licorice, so I gave these to my mom who eats licorice every day. She has never seen black licorice throat drops so she was excited to get to try these. She said that she would get these again, she really liked the flavor.
Daily-C Chewable Tablets – Each chewable tablet delivers as much Vitamin C as you’d get from four oranges. While I liked the orange flavor they did have a slight sour crunch to them.
Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte Drops – Two drops contain the same amount of electrolytes as 8 OZ. of the leading electrolyte beverage. I gave these to my son after his basketball game and he did not care for the flavor, he said it tasted like butterscotch.
Zinc Boost Chewable Tablets – These strawberry-flavored lozenge contains 5mg of Zinc and helps support your immune system. My husband was taking these to try and ward of getting what we had.
My secret tip to staying healthy is drinking lots of water.
Thanks for the giveaway… during cold & flu season we wash our hands incessantly, get enough sleep, and eat extra vegetables & fruits !
my tip is drink lots of orange juice and wash hands alot
A lot of hand washing, daily vitamins, avoiding large crowds and staying away from people who are (contagious) sick.
eating healthy and exercise
Lots of rest, lots of fluids, washing hands often!!!
I drink a lot of water
I try to keep well hydrated. I exercise on a daily basis regardless of how I feel about it
I eat healthy, exercise and sleep to stay healthy.
i take airborne to help my system get stronger against getting sick
One of the most consistent things I’ve noticed that correlates with my health is how often I take my multivitamin and vitamin D.
I eat healthy, take vitamins and get lots of sleep.
A glass of Orange juice every morning and a multivitamin
I stay healthy by sleeping well.
I drink lots of water
I keep healthy by drinking plenty of water, getting fresh air and eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies.
I’m not sure what my trick is! I haven’t had “regular” flu (as opposed to stomach flu) since I was in college over 30 years ago! And I DON’T get the flu shot!
I always wash my hands while I shop. The carts are full of bacteria. I also take vitamins
My secret tip to stay healthy is not really a secret, but wash hands regularly, take vitamins:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Keep your hands clean and cover your mouth when you cough.
Washing my hands all the time and taking care of myself
get plenty of sleep while making sure to wash your hands etc frequently thru the day
My secret is just to stay away from people who have colds, take my vitamins and wash my hands frequently.
The secret, it is a continuous process that takes work! Eating healthy and working out is big factor!
No secret…just eat healthy, exercise, and wash my hands.
Sanitizer…in backpacks and purses and even the car. I try to use it all the time
My secret tip to staying healthy is drinking lots of water and taking vitamin C drops daily.
I take daily vitamins and work out on a regular basis 🙂
I eat a lot of vitamin c to stay healthy
I get a flu shot every year, see my doctors regularly and take medication as required. I also wash my hands alot.
I always wash my hand before eat anything.
I take vitamin d,drink water and get enough sleep!
I try to eat nutritionally as possible.
My secret to staying healthy is eating right, exercising, drinking water and washing your hands all the time!
Wanting to be around for my partner.
I try to eat healthy and take vitamins.
I drink Emergen C every day.
My secret is to eat healthy, drink lots of water, & get lots of sleep! This has seen me through many cold & flu seasons successfully!
I drink plenty of water and try to get a good nights sleep.
Constantly wash your hands and use Lysol spray on the surfaces when someone starts so that it doesn’t spread thru the family
Get enough sleep
Wash wash your hands, stay away from sick people and use zinc at the first sign of a cold.
I wash my hands alot, eat well and I get a flu shot each year
Daily tomato juice. It might not be why I stay healthy but I do love it!
My secret to staying healthy is eating as healthy as I can, staying as active as possible, and limiting practices that have a negative impact on my life.
I make sure to eat correctly and try to get plenty of sleep.
Theives oil from Young Living
Hubby and I try to eat right, sleep a regular schedule and see our doctor on a regular basis. Thanks!
Eat fruits and vegetables and wash hands often. 🙂
Eating real foods is one major way.
My secret tip is to stay hydrated and manage the stress levels.
I would love to try these products. They sound effective.
I try to stay active by going to the gym at least 4 times a week.
Lots of Vitamin C
i take a flu shot. i also take extra vitamin c and i use alot of hand sanitizer.
Lots of rest, lots of fluids, washing hands often!!!
I eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables to stay healthy.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My secret is to eat healthy
I try to keep my hands washed and I try to eat fresh veggies and drink lots of juice.
My tip is to take Multi-Vitamins and Calcium daily.
Keeping unhealthy snacks out of the house and have lots of fresh fruit & veggies on hand.
Eating healthy and exercising
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
I try to wash my hands at every convenient moment. We try to eat better with lots of juices and fresh veggies.
I take daily vitamins and work out on a regular basis.
What I do is take vitamins daily and eat 3 meals a dy
I eat a lot of vitamin c to stay healthy
I try to eat good meals regularly, get enough sleep, and try to keep the stress levels down. Daily supplements are also on my daily routine. Thanks
My secret tip for staying healthy is to always be sure my Vitamin D & Vitamin B12 levels are normal. You can find t his out through blood tests of course or take supplements. Thank-you!