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I like it when I can find companies that give back, especially to Breast Cancer. Each October, I feature companies for Breast Cancer Awareness as my mom is a 14-year survivor. But when companies release products during the year, I find that more attention is paid to them because they are not lost in a sea of pink. This year, SKIL Tools has come out with two Pink Products and they are continuing there fight against breast cancer with a $100,000 donation to Susan G. Komen.
SKIL has come out with two new Pink Products and when I saw this cute little pink screwdriver, I knew it was a product I wanted to share (who says power tools have to be “manly” colors?). The first SKIL product is a pink SKIL iXO Palm-Sized Screwdriver kit. The second in the Pink Line is a 33-piece driver bit set. The bit set is sold separately from the iXO and includes a 1/4″ hex shank magnetic bit holder and 32 different driver bits used for a variety of applications. The tool accessories are accented by a pink storage case.
I received the pink SKIL iXO Screwdriver, as you can see it fits in the palm of my hand. The charger does have a long cord in case you don’t have a full charge when you want to use it. It has a Lithium-Ion battery that can hold a charge for up to 18 months. There are forward and reverse indicators along with a battery indicator on top of the screwdriver that tells you just how much of a charge you have left. Also included is a 5 piece drill bit set. This little cordless screwdriver has come in handy the past few weeks, from putting together some toys, tightening a door handle to building a bookcase.
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I, fortunately, do not have any Breast Cancer stories to share. This drill would come in handy for some of the organization projects that I would like to do. It would help with hanging/assembling shelves and other things. Thans!!
Thanks for the giveaway… we have two breast cancer survivors in our extended family, and several more who are close family friends; education & early detection is the key !
Just last month I lost a childhood friend of 43 years. She endured cancer X 3. ..This last bout was more then she could handle.
This would help my build a bookshelf
One of my friends fought a valiant fight against breast cancer for many years…but, eventually the cancer ‘won’, and God took this saintly lady to Heaven.
My mother in law and my nieces grandmother are breast cancer survivors
My grandmother had breast cancer and beat it. She was a fighter and I really looked up to her
My mom has survived cancer twice in her lifetime. The first was uterine cancer then 30yrs later she survived breast cancer.
I would love a drill of my own, so I wouldn’t have to keep borrowing my sons. I’ve had cancer, but not breast cancer. I was surprised when I worked at the nursing home to see so many women that had one or both breasts removed. Thanks for this contest.
I have been very fortuanate to not have this in my family
My grandmother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer a little over 2 years ago and she is beating it right now.
Lot of work needs to be done around here. New windows to replace horrible thin ones. Update the roof to fix some leaks.
My grandmother had breast cancer last year but is doing great now. This would be awesome so I don’t have to borrow my husbands. He tends to get huffy when forced to share, lol.
My aunt fought a great battle against Breast Cancer – She lived more than 15 years after they told her it would be 2 to 3 years
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and I am so proud of her
I would love to have this screwdriver for DIY projects.
We are re-doing our granddaughters room and it would come in handy.
We are currently renovating our house, so this would definitely come in handy. I also lost my grandmother to breast cancer, so the fight for the cure is really near and dear to me.
This would come in handy as I do electrical work, and it would keep my male co-workers from borrowing my drill. 🙂
my grandmother had breast cancer, it’s something that i try hard to keep from getting
I am getting the wooden bunk beds my father built from scratch in a couple of weeks.They are special because it was the last project he did before he suddenly died at age 36.I have to get all new screws and reassemble them so that my girls would get lots of use out of them.
I have a dear friend who is dealing with breast cancer
both of my grandmas have had breast cancer, and survived. I’d probably use this around this house so i could help my husband.
My mother, grandmother and great grandmother all died from Breast Cancer. Both of my sisters have had cancer. We strongly support breast cancer research.
I am always being crafty and this would come in handy
I very fortunately do not have a breast cancer story (knock on wood) but could use this for a lot of projects that I have procrastinated on since I went back to work!
I would use it to hang pictures.
I have a lot of projects that i could use this one such as hanging art and a coat rack and putting up shelving
No, no personal experience with breast cancer but have had friends who have died from other cancers.
I would love to have this tool. It being pink, I would not have any problems with my husband “borrowing” it.
My mom had breast cancer and fought so courageously for months. We lost her only a few months before my daughter was born.
My sister is a breast cancer survivor. 🙂
I would love to own one of these! I am always having a hard time screwing things together! I do not have a breast cancer story but my heart goes out to those who fight with it and their family!
I am in the middle of remodeling my bathroom – this would definitely come in handy. Fortunately, I have no breast cancer stories in my little circle of family and friends. My heart goes out to anyone this horrible disease touches.
My son-in-laws grandmother is a very hard working women who is a breast cancer survivor and she is a wonderful person. She has had a hard life and is a religious woman who I just love being around.
I have lost a family member to breast cancer. And am just beginning the battle myself.
My mom’s best friend Judy was like a second mom to me–she died of breast cancer in May 2011–I usually get a mammogram every year..haven’t this year due to not having the $$ to see my dr for a referral~thanks so much.
no cancer stories. This would be great to have on hand with all the remodeling we are doing/planning.
I have plenty of projects to use this for, we just bought a new house 🙂
I have several friends who are breast cancer survivors and a lot of little projects where I could use a screwdriver.
I would use the screwdriver for when I start decorating my new apartment!
I had an aunt who died of breast cancer so this is very important.
I’ve had so many friends, family, and coworkers affected by breast cancer.
I would use the screwdriver for DIY projects and all around the house.
We lost my mother-in-law to breast cancer 5 years ago.
I had an aunt who died from breast cancer several years ago. She is deeply missed. Hope the medical community finds a cure for this horrible disease
brich22 at earthlink dot net
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor.
We have an old farm house and we can always use tools. It seems we have a new project everyday.
i do all my own projects around the house and i am very handy with tools
I recently had quiet a scare..thank God it wasn’t cancer
I do have a breast cancer story I will share someday. I will use this wonderful tool for many home improvement and repair projects. 🙂 Thank you.
My great-grandmother was a survivor, and my landlady IS a survivor.
my nana is completely gutting a house and redoing the whole thing i’m sure she will need this (:
*correction: my Grandma
My aunt is a Breast Cancer survivor, and I lost Grandma to the disease. So I support Breast Cancer research as much as I can.
My great aunt and I shared the same birthday and loved the same flowers. She had breast cancer that she battled and won against, but then she developed skin cancer and we lost her.
Thank you for the giveaway, we are buying our first home and this would come in handy
We are redoing our bathroom and this would be perfect for it.
i would like to have one of these around the house for myself. whenever i need one i cannot find one because hubby is messy lol
Two of my aunts were diagnosed with breast cancer within days of each other. They are now doing fine and it strengthened their relationship to each other and the family.
i had a breast cancer scare and my first mammogram serveal years ago
I would love to win this!
I could really use this for some handy jobs around the house.
Growing up my best friends mom survived breast cancer. I remember how sick she got but she is fine now.
I could use this for putting up my spice rack and a few other odds and ends around my home.
We have been putting up a lot of shelves in the house the last few months! This would really come in handy to help finish the job!
My cousin just found out she has breast cancer and had to start chemo next week. I am praying for her!
I do not have a breast cancer story to share thankfully, but we are building a lot of our children’s Christmas gifts: train table, desk, etc; so this would definitely come in handy! Thanks you so much and God bless you that are survivors or still struggling! 🙂
Christine Garcia
I have a few friends who beat breast cancer. I would use this for this to help build an arbor in our back yard. Thank you for the giveaway.
My best friend and my godmother are both breast cancer survivors!
I don’t really have a breast cancer story, but I have a lot of things I can use this for. I love tools!
This would be great since my hubby travels a lot. The first thing I would use it for would be to change out the handles on the bathroom vanity.
I am 5 year breast cancer survivor. It was a tough road for me especially the first 2 years – I had 5 surgeries, 4 months of wicked chemo, 1 year of a milder chemo and 33 treatments of radiation. I have been living life to the fullest everyday since! 🙂
Not breast cancer, but my mom has had uterine cancer. We thought we got it all and a year later, it had moved to her lungs. Only 20-30% chance of remission and PRAISE GOD she did! She has now been cancer free for 6 yrs!
I have a friend who has breast cancer and I am so concerned!
My Aunt had breast cancer and thankfully is doing well today 🙂 Thanks for the chance, this would come handy in my apartment, I am always borrowing my Dad’s tools 😉
Both my mom and mother in law had breast cancer. Both had mastectomies and had many good yrs after.
My mom passed from breast cancer. Her advice “If you have a family history of breast cancer, get a mammogram early and often( yearly)” My sister and I do it for her.
I am a first time homeowner and need to do as much DIY as I can to save money.
I would love to win this to put up a large curtain rod in the living room and some pictures!
This would be so great to have in my house! We recently bought a fixer-upper and there is always work to be done that a screwdriver is needed. Winning this would mean I wont have to always ask my husband where his is 🙂
redoing the guest bathroom
I really want to do some diy projects on my home I’m not sure where I want to start yet but pinterest has so many excellent ideas that I want to try.
I have lost someone in my life due to breastcancer. she was a second mom to me and she is missed greatly
this would come in handy remodeling our kitchen cabinets
My good friend and neighbor is a breast cancer survivor. The changes she made with her life were and are an inspiration to all of us that know and love her. Very sad news, her husband was her biggest fan and supporter, and after she became cancer free he was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away a month later. ;(
I just moved into a new house and this would come in handy.
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and I have completely changed my diet and lifestyle to reverse the genetic tendency toward breast cancer in my family. I love the pink screwdriver! =) Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I would use this for my craft projects so I wouldn’t have to bother my son to use his.
ive had 3 aunts with breast cancer 2 i lost over 25 yrs ago due to it ,times and treatments sure have improved the outlook on breast cancer i totaled support this cause
My grandma had breast cancer and while on Life support throughout November and December the dialysis and the oxygen shrunk it from a stage 3/4 to a stage 1 and after coming off life support she got chemo and it’s completely gone, no surgery needed! Shocked but so thankful she’s all I have left.
I don’t have a breast cancer story, but I would love to use this screwdriver for DIY projects around my house. This would be handy for putting furniture together.
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I’d love to use this when I move in the fall! It’d probably help with ikea furniture!
I would love to use this screwdriver to put up our USA Flag. My best friend is going back for deployment soon and I was going to buy a drill to put up the American Flag we purchased.
this would be so helpful – the old drill has seen better days!
It would be wonderful to actually have a drill that was perfect for my hand.
Being a single mom I always would have use for a power screwdriver. Sometimes I just don’t have the strength to do it by hand and other times it would just plain ol’ be faster.
I am very fortunate that I do not have a breast cancer story to share and my heart goes out to those that do.
I am getting ready to redo our kitchen cabinets, so this would be great to remove the cabinet fronts.
This would be great for hanging things.
Yes my grandmother passed with breast cancer many years ago, at this time no one else has breast cancer, though my mom has passed and I have no sisters. Now I would love to have this pink handy dandy SKIL iXO for everyday use in fact I could of used it awhile ago when my screws were working loose on the door handle, fixed, but this would of been easier
My mom is a 3 year breast cancer survivor. I love pink and love to support the cause.
We are currently remodeling our kitchen and bathroom. This would come in handy for both of those projects!
I have a “great” aunt who is a survivor. I always look for the breast cancer awareness products when making a purchase. I love the looks of this screwdriver and I wont have to worry about my hubby stealing it lol.
I know of 3 customers who visit my store that have become very good friends that all are going through chemo right now for breast cancer. My prayers are with them.
My mom is a breast cancer survivor, and my grandmother and her sister passed away from breast cancer. It is a horrible disease.
We would love to build some new cabinets and shelves for storage in the garage. This will definitely come in handy!
my aunt janet passed away oct. ’12 from complications of breast cancer…she is a peaceful angel now.
for repairs around the house
I have a friend who had a double mastectomy and is now cancer free!
My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor.
I would use the SKIL iXO Palm-Sized Screwdriver to remove all the child safety latches from our counter doors and drawers.
I lost my aunt to breast cancer
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I need to repaint the heat register grates in the house and the screw driver would be a big help for removing and reinstalling them.
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor
I’ve had a cancer scare. At the age of 48 I had painful symptoms that put me in the hospital, the next day they removed a very large pre-cancerous growth. Two years later it returned and again was pre-cancerous. I now have to have a colonoscopy once yearly and my children now have to have theirs by the age of 38. We don’t have this cancer in our family, or rather we didn’t!!
My grandmother had breast and had to have a complete done of her left breast in the 60s, not reconstruction available at that time. She did survive and live to be 92. Also, I am an Information Technology teacher and we take computers apart and put them back together, so this set would be great for me as I am female!!!
We have some stories of courage, loss, hope and triumph…with several in our family or who were friends. Families learn to rally and support and THAT means EVERYTHING! (well, for any illness really).
My daughter would love to have this set as she embarks on finding a place of her own and little one’s. Girls in our family are taught tool use from early on…might as well be adorable and stand for confidence and courage!
thanks much!
No I do not
I would use the screwdriver for DIY projects and all around the house.
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor. My sister & I are hodgkin lymphoma survivors.I’d like to have something like this so when I want to hang up a picture I can do it myself.Thank you 🙂
i have always got something going on around the house. whether it be fixing something or putting something together. its never ending
I am constantly looking for a screwdriver not only at my job but also at my house. One of these would come in so handy.
I don’t know anyone personally with breast cancer. My husbands grandmother died of it in her late 40’s, way too young.
This would be great to help with fix it projects around the house
I lost a sweet neighbor two years ago to breast cancer.
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor… She & her brother (my Dad)battled cancer at the same time… Her, breast… him nearly everything else… *sigh* maybe not really… but sometimes it felt like it…
My friend Pam just came through treatment for breast cancer. She is doing very well.
My mother has had several scares and biopsies.
My stepmother is a three time breast cancer survivor. She is a strong and spiritual woman. I look up to her.
My daughter has arthritis in her hands and she just moved into her own apt. This would be great for her, better than leaving everything for when mom visits.
I would love to use this-we are working on renovating our bathroom on our own!!
We will be moving here shortly, and this would immensely help putting together new shelving and organizers!
I lost an aunt to breast cancer and I have a friend who is struggling with it.
We would like to hang some shelving in the garage and I think this would come in handy for that project.
I always have projects that I want to do. My husband and I have several screwdrivers in a drawer that we use, but this would be helpful for installing new hardware and cabinet doors.
I would use the screwdriver for DIY projects and all around the house.
My aunt is a 18 yr survivor. What a great giveaway.
My best friend of 30 + years is a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed at age 34.
I lost a very dear male friend to breast cancer but we didn’t even know he had it until after his passing. He kept it to himself and his children knew about it. He was only in his late 30’s
My mom just moved into a new apartment so I think this would be really handy for her to have