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What immediately comes to mind when you hear “Ripley’s Believe it or Not”? Weird, gross, bizarre, cool, and outrageous are just a few words that come to my mind! Well, if you have ever seen or heard of the many Ripley’s Believe it or Not products (i.e., books, museums, & shows (remember the one that Superman Dean Cain the hottie used to narrate?)), You know as well as I do that they are the ultimate source of weird information.
Ripley’s latest installment, “Ripley’s Believe it or Not–Dare to Look,” goes even further than just reading the book; it includes a 3-D iPhone & Android app to accompany the eye-catching hard-cover magazine-sized book. Once you download the app, you can dive in deeper to uncover even more interesting facts about some of your favorite topics in the book. The book consists of 12 chapters with interesting and bizarre content, such as:
Chapter 1 is called Believe It! This chapter features lifelike chocolate babies and Fish crossing a street.
Chapter 5 is called Body. This chapter features the Albino family, Amazing Wolf Boy, and Back from the Dead.
For you techies out there, Chapter 9 Digital is for you! Showing jeans with a built-in keyboard, Apps for chickens, and the Facebook ghost.
The boy’s favorite of the 12 chapters is Chapter 11, the Food chapter. This chapter features Body part cakes, Pumpkin zombies, a Lizard in a bag of supermarket salad, a Bug pizza & a giant gummi snake.
As a mother to 3 boys, you can only imagine how much fun the boys had together going through the book and trying to stuff it in one another’s faces as if those gross human-looking cupcakes were going to get all over one of them! Overall, this book would be a great gift to give a teen for Christmas. It’s usually so hard to shop for teens, but this seems to hit the spot, especially with boys! Just think, it’ll get the kids reading; isn’t that what every mother wants?!
Stay Connected:
- Visit the Ripley Books Website
- Visit Ripley’s Believe It Or Not on Facebook
I honestly can’t think of anything that might be weird enough to go into the book. It’d be cool if I did.
I can’t think of anything.
Sadly, I do not in fact have anything interesting enough in my life to make it into a Ripley’s book. I think I’m okay with that, though!
Nothing weird to report here.
My daughter sometimes tried to break the record for how many knots she can create in her hair at night when she twirls it or how many days she can go without taking a bath (never works with me). Nothing gross though
My daughter told that a few kids had a boogie throwing contest at recess to see who could throw a boogie the farthest.
I would like to think the amount of time my niece spends giggling would be in there. She is such a happy young lady.
Nothing compared to what is featured in Ripleys believe it or not. However some people think it’s weird that I am double jointed.
I do not have anything that would be Ripley’s worthy but I do have a 6 year that makes up the oddest, most nonsense,cross the road jokes.He even has inanimate objects cross the road for the strangest reasons.
i have some really weird people in my family but nothing worthy of ripleys lol.
My cat just passed away and when we went to bury him we dug up a wart hog creature head..right in our backyard. Very weird
Nothing comes to mind that’s weird enough.
we have a dog that has some really long toe nails but other than that nothing that could be featured in the ripley’s believe it or not books.
No, I don’t have anything or know anyone that is weird enough to make it into a Ripley’s book.
I think its probably a blessing that I have nothing to contribute to this book. I think my kids are trying to challenge that fact, but so far so good!:)
I’m too lame and boring for Ripley to contact me but I’d still love to win the book.
I dont have anything but I love reading other peoples believe it or nots
No, I do not have anything but I enjoy reading/seeing bizarre things.
The only odd thing i can do is I am double jointed nothing to weird.Nothing to make that book.
Nothing weird, gross, or abnormal in my family
I think my 6 year old son should be in Ripley’s for being able to ask the most question in a 24 hour period. Thank goodness for Google! We love Ripley’s we went to visit one of the museums this summer.
nope, nothing like that around here in normalsville
Sorry I cannot think of anything that my family can put into the ripley believe it or not.
no nothing gross here ..that i know of
My daughter could burp the ABC’s. Yes, that’s gross.
I really havent but my son would love this book!
I don’t know anyone who belongs in this book!
we don’t have anything that weird.. although im not sure i would admit it if we did lol
Nothing weird, gross, or bizarre, but I have a nephew who’d love to read this book.
I honestly can’t think of anything deserving enough to be in this book. I always obsess over the pictures but don’t know how I would handle seeing some of those things in real life.
I can’t think of anything anyone in my family does that could be in Ripley’s
I can’t think of anything weird or gross. But when I was a kid I had a friend that I spent a lot of time at her house. (after school, sleepovers, family outings, etc) Anyway they had this HUGE family size trampoline that we were always bouncing, jumping and flipping on. One Friday after school we decided to break the record for hours spent on a trampoline. We lasted pretty long, but I can’t remember how long now… lol kids…
I don’t know anyone that has anything weird or gross about them.
I don’t think so.
I can’t think of anybody or anything that would belong in
ripleys book
At least one member of my family (including me) for the past 5 generations, has one blue eye and one green eye.
I can’t think of anything weird enough to go in the book unless you could put some of my relatives in there, cause some of them are pretty odd.
Well Ive racked my brain and I really cant think of anything I know of to contribute to a Ripley’s book 🙁 but I guess that what makes reading them so special- theyre definitely filled with things we normally wouldnt come across lol
I don’t THINK we have anything funky like that going on in our family but I did used to be fascinated with watching a live autopsy..never could get a morgue to let me in though lol.
I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but I LOVE these books and would love to win one!
No, I wish I was that cool to be in the book, lol.
Happily – nothing comes to mind worthy of Ripleys!
sadly, i do not have anything that could be featured in ripley’s.
Nope nothing, but my son loves gross stuff.
I think my kiddo could make a world record with his temper tantrums.
I accidentally taped myself snorting my sinuses when i thought I was taking a photo with my new phone. It was shocking! lol
Jeez, when you put it this way my family is pretty normal. I guess perspective is everything. My granddaughter attempts to bend herself into pretzels but that is as Believe It or Not as we get.
no, I’m a pretty common person
No I don’t have anything that qualifies for the book
No have nothing i can think of but like t read this book
Fortunately, I do not think that I have anything that unusual in my life. I do love reading about other people who have weird and wonderful stuff. Thanks for offering this great giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
Once my son got a bee sting on his knee that got infected and he hid this from me. Once I discovered the knee, it looked like a grapefruit on his knee. The amount of “cottage cheese” that the doctor removed from his knee was incredible and disgusting.
No things I can think of..
We are a rare breed around here, but nothing that comes close. LOL
Not that I know of.
No I’m not cool enough to know anyone like that.
Sorry, nothing that strange to report.
No, no one comes to mind to possibly have featured in a Ripley’s book.
we have nothing weird going on in our family
I can’t think of anything that is unusual about myself that is enough to be featured in a book, but I still enjoy reading about such oddities, nonetheless. 🙂
Nope, I don’t have anyone that weird or gross in my life.
I got nothin….sorry
I’m sorry but nothing unusual here. I’ve always watched in wonder at people that could do or have something weird but as for me nothing at all just down the middle, average person.
Nothing weird, gross, or abnormal in my family but would still love tow in this book for one of my sons 🙂
Thank you
I do not any offbeat or exciting that could be featured in Ripley
I have fingers that are double jointed but that isn’t very exciting
I don’t really have anything that abnormal but once when my family went to Arbys I found a glove in my chicken sandwich! It was pretty disgusting. This books looks great, thanks for the review!
I don’t know of anybody that does something crazy or weird!
don’t think we have anything cool enough for that book! would love to see it!
I can’t really think of anything odd or unusual about my family. My son would love this book though. Thank you for the chance.
The only odd thing about my family is that we all have different blood types and are all from the same mother and father, and no adoptions lol Mom=A+ Dad=B+ Me=A- Sister=B- last sister=AB- To make it even stranger, my B- sister married a man with B+ blood and they had a baby with O+ blood, lol
Maybe my son. He can burp and fart at the same time.. I didn’t know that was possible.
I’ve never read a Ripley’s believe it or not book but I remember when I was little, there was a Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum in our country (Philippines) and we’ve been there 2x or 3x I think. The inside of the museum creeped me out a bit but at the same time it seemed cool. 🙂
I do not know of anybody that can do anything weird…. my family is pretty boring. LOL
I am not cool enough to know anyone or anything that could be in Ripleys. But I am excited to look through the book!
no,i dont know anybody that is so messed up that i may need to walk faster to my car,but there are so really freaky people who live down the street..does that count?
No I do not have anything. My kids love looking at all this stuff though.
I can’t think of anything that would go in the book. My 2 year old son is crazy smart, but I know there are smarter kids out there. lol
I can’t think of anything in our family that would qualify for Ripley’s, but I do know these books are fun. I liked them as a kid and my son does now.
Well my daughter was born with 6 fingers on each hand, 6 toes on each foot. Also has webbed toes on both feet and has extra bones in her feet. Don’t know how that happened, my other two came out perfect lol.
well, no I can’t really think of anything that would be put in the book except maybe my cat can almost say mama. We’re working on it Lol
I am so lame. I can’t think of anything but my son LOVES the Ripley books. It would be so much fun to give this to him for Christmas!
I have nothing weird going on in my family but I do love Ripley’s books! I love reading their unusual stories and strange facts and growing up I always watched the ‘Believe It Or Not’ TV series w/Jack Palance. I would LOVE to win this book!
They have some pretty weird things in those books; I don’t think we have anything quite that weird.
i think my mother in law’s length of time she spends blowing her nose in the morning could easily win a chapter in Ripley’s book, thank you.