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Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign with Quaker Chewy. All opinions are my own.
My kids have been eating Quaker Chewy bars for so long now, they are actually a staple in this house. While school has only been out for a little over a week now and we have been busy with all types of activities. Not only do the kids sometimes need a pick me up before or after a practice or game but with them outside playing, I like to give them something quick and easy (and portable) so they don’t have to stop their activity.
I received two boxes which unfortunately they ate before I was able to get a picture, the flavors I received were the Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip and a box of Quaker Chewy Dipps Granola Bars. So when I was out shopping I bought the largest box of the Dipps I could find!
Quaker and NERF are teaming up to fuel backyard fun, helping families get out and get active together, right in their own backyard. When you buy three specially-marked boxes of Quaker Chewy, you can enter the codes online at to get a free Nerf sports item.
The available items are the Nerf N-Sports Weather Blitz All Conditions Football, the Nerf N-Sports Pro Grip Football, the Nerf N-Sports Nerfoop Set, the Nerf Sports Bash Ball, and the Nerf Super Soaker Tidal Tube Blaster 2-Pack.
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One reader will receive Quaker Chewy Bars and a $25 Visa Gift Card. See form for Entry Details. Open to U.S. residents. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on 7.2.14
All entries will be verified. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. The winner will be chosen randomly through Giveaway Tools and contacted via email. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. One person entering per household please. The Review Wire is not responsible for shipment of prize.
I either take them to the pool or an indoor trampoline place.
Thanks for the giveaway…our kids participate in a day camp during the week that keeps them busy;rest of the time they are in the pool !
My kids stay busy reading, helping with yardwork, playing wii and computer games, playing ping pong, and helping around the house. They also do a few sessions of camp.
I keep my kids active during the summer by taking them to the park at least twice a week,go get wet in the backyard, and take walks around our neighborhood.
going to the library
We are expecting our first later this summer. We are looking forward to going to the park and beach next summer and swimming and cycling when he is a little older.
We like to swim all summer long.
I keep the kids active by swimming and camps.
Honestly, I love Quaker Chewey’s. They’re delicious and keep my younger siblings happy and healthy. We all like to go hiking and rock climbing during summer break.
My kids play outside every day. We also live a few blocks from a nice park and a zoo, and they go at least once a week.
Trust me, our 5 year old needs NO help staying active… LOL
We go to the beach and play tennis on a regular basis!
We like to go to the park and kick a ball around.
Drawing and painting outside, and some beach time.
The play outside everyday.
I refuse to let my kids sit inside and play electronic stuff all day. I take them fishing or on long bike rides.
The kids spend alot of time swimming. And we take a trip to the park a couple of times a week they have water play areas that the kids love.
we like to ride bikes and walk a lot to stay active during the summer
we plan trips to the local museums and aquariums; we also read a lot during the summer
We have a membership to Raging Waters, and we have workout sessions with the kids.
we go on bike rides and walks around the neighborhood! also keeps them from going cabin crazy!
They like to go swimming and play ball.
The boys practice ball in the evenings. Thank you
In the summer we stay active with swimming, a summer trip and spending time with friends and family. Thank you.
We camp, spend time at the pool, bike and go to the park as much as we can during the summer to keep active.
Limit t.v. time to the evening and keep the kids outside playing and swimming!
I like to keep my daughter active by getting out there and playing with her!
bike riding and swimming! hiking sometimes too
No kids. I keep active by swimming at least 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.
We like to keep active in the summertime with long nature walks. We also go swimming every day.
my kids are 17, 16 and 10 i limit their online and tv time during summer by going outside with them, you would be surprised at the games and fun they can come up with, we talk, play, cook and eat outside…
Baseball and Swimming are what we like to do in the summer
We go to the park and run
I don’t have kids, but when I was a nanny, I would try to make sure we took a walk every day before nap time, and spent as much time as possible outside in their backyard doing active play.
I know my Nieces keep pretty active by swimming in their Grand Mother’s pool!
We go swim or go to the playground so they can run around. 🙂
My teenagers go running three days a week with a group of friends. We try to go swimming once a week and we all do yard work together.
My kids are attending a martial arts day camp this summer, so being active is expected!
I sadly was never blest with any children. Do I need to to enter this contest?
I let them run around all day under the sprinklers! Works great and I get some time to myself to read a good book!
my boys live outside, today they played in the sprinklers for hours!
By spending lots of time with friends and cousins.
We enjoy geocaching and hiking together as a family. Great exercise, and quality family time.
We walk to the park go to the zoo hiking and geocaching
We go to the lake and family walks after it cools down for the day.
We go to splash pads and parks
take them to the park to run around, go swimming and running through the sprinklers
I take her with me to run my errands, including walking the dog..we also try to do outdoor activities on the weekend when her dad is home.
We like to walk the dogs as a family during the summer months.
We spend a lot of times outdoors cycling.
We do a lot of swimming and crafts! 🙂
I try to lead by example. Summer is active for all of us. Winters are long here in MN, so we need to enjoy the few months we get! We love swimming, walking, biking, playing yard games, going to parks, fishing…you name it. If it’s outside, we’re on it!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
We like to go to the park and the beach 🙂
I take my daughter to the park and to the pool.
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like to keep my kids active during the summer by swimming or bike riding daily, sometimes both.
My girls are older so they pretty much occupy themselves with work – LOL My grandson, tho, we take walks earlier in the day and then we will also fill up the little pool and play in that. He loves it!
We keep active by spending a lot of time at the pool and
at the park.
Our backyard looks like a daycare with all the toys everywhere. All we do is slip into the backyard and have tons of fun.
swim lessons
Mine are still little so they aren’t involved in sports but we love to go to the park and take walks (my son rides his scooter).
We like to take long hikes as a family
We like to do a lot of hiking & riding bikes in summer as a family
My grandkids stay active by riding their bikes around the neighborhood, when they are at my house there is not a lot to do so they play inside mostly.
I like taking the kids to the library and the pool for summer activities.
I no longer have small children but we are an active bunch and on the go. My oldest daughter is in college but she stays active playing tennis and going to the gym. My youngest daughter is a senior in high school and is very active. She has basketball practice at 6:45am four days a week, lifeguards during the day and has soccer practice at 5:30pm. The oatmeal bars are our kind of pick me up.
We like to swim at the beaches and local pools.
all my kids are grown but my son has things for my grandson to do everyday
We stay active during the summer by going on lots of walks and swimming in the pool.
I try to keep my kids busy by doing a lot of swimming in the summer
We keep busy by doing outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and fishin.
We love to explore all the area attractions, zoos, beach, water park, gardens and many more! There are so many fun places to visit around our city.
I usually buy a summer pass to the swim park and they all have library cards and passes to the dinosaur museum
We spend a lot of time at the lake fishing, swimming and hiking during the summer. We also have a volleyball and badmitton set up in our back yard that we play almost daily.
We try to go swimming at least every couple of days!
We go swimming several times a week.
They’re always out running around so I don’t have problems with that.
I like to take my kids to the park and the beach. Thanks for hosting!
We usually do chores in the morning to “earn” the special treat in the afternoon. We try to have one activity each day…a trip to the zoo or park, game day, movie day, even ice cream at DQ.
We go swimming & play at the park a lot.
When we have our 5 year old grandson we always take walks & bike ride. He loves to play outdoors.
My kids love to play outside..go to the park,play in the sprinkler,or toss the ball around.
There are so many fun ways to be active in the summer. We enjoy walking on trails and swimming. My grankids love to bike ride.
they love to go bike riding and swimming in the summer!
always stay active at the beach!
We like to go to the park.
We go to the park and we go swimming.
We do a lot of swimming in the summer to stay active
We ride bikes and swim a lot.
we spend a lot of time outside! playing in the creek, riding bikes and hiking!
My boys are grown now but I kept them busy in the summer with swimming, hiking, crafts.
Our daughter stays active by being with us in the yard; working in the garden and flower beds, playing outside, and going for walks.
We live in Florida and there are plenty of outside activities (like going to the beach, kayaking, and tubing) and inside activities (museums) to keep busy and active.
I like to keep them active with outdoor activities along with indoor arts and crafts on hot days.
I don’t have to do anything to keep my kids active…they do it on their own: karate, swim team, playing on the trampoline, playing on the beach in the sand & water, etc!
Don’t have any.
I keep the kids active by taking them swimming a lot.
My kids were always active in the summer. We lived near a park and went everyday for a picnic lunch and playtime.
We like to go swimming at the pool, and ride our bicycles, Thank you!
We like to play outside, go to the park and swimming!
My boys are grown but we keep our grandchildren active by taking them on walks around our local park and letting them run and play on the playground.
I drop my teens off at the skateboard park often.
my children go to work.
We spend time at my in-laws pool. Everyone gets exercise and sleeps REALLY well those nights!
My nieces love to go swimming,go to the park,movies and crafts.They always find something fun to do. Thank you for the great giveaway 🙂
Their favorite is going to the beach and swimming.
My kids like to be active, so it is just a matter of helping them get that energy out in a productive way. We do family bike rides and swim almost every day. I also register them in our community sports, they are only 1 day a week and give them time with kids playing a sport.
My kids like to play outside and they’re always outside picking berries
annabella @ centurytel dot net
Both of my Grandsons are playing Tackle Football this summer and we also go to the beach a lot.
in the summer we stay active by going to the pool and going to the beach!
I watch my nieces quite a bit. Between them and my daughter they just don’t stop.
My kids are 4 and 6 so they play soccer, swimming classes and we play xbox kinect on days it is too hot or cold.
We try to go to the pool a few times a week. When we are not at home the kids are off doing sports camps, so they are very active!
My kids both play ball but we also love to swim. To stay active, we also enjoy taking walks!
I take him to the park and we swim a lot
My grandson played Summer ball.
I have the beautiful grandbabies,anytime can be an opportunity if you look.boy do we look.
I bought my son a swim pass to our local pool. I also have him play outside with his friends.
we like to all go bike riding.
We keep our children active in the Summer by spending lots of time in our backyard! We have a blow up pool, we hunt for bugs, and play lots of sports like baseball! There’s always something fun to do outside when the weather is right!
I keep them active by encouraging them to go outside and play, and we go on walks and bike rides
we will be doing summer camp this year.
I don’t have to do anything to keep my daughters active. My elder daughter just turned two and only sits down when I turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves to play in the backyard and runs around like a maniac indoors as well.
Over the summer we swim, ride bikes or play tennis each day. It just depends on the day, sometimes we do more than one.
We are doing a swimming camp this summer.
We spend a lot of time at the park letting the kids run around and get their energy out!
daughter in swimming pool everyday and nature hikes weekly
We love going on walks and always have activities and play days going. Tv time is limited!
Tell me how you like to keep your kids active during the summer. Please use full complete sentences.
i dont have kids but you gotta get them away from the tv
We like to go for bike rides but there are so many kids in our neighbourhood that I just have to send them outside and they end up running around all day.
My kids played summer soccer and swam in our pool.
We do a lot of things to keep active in the summer. One of the things we do is Boy Scout Cammp and lots of swimming!
I keep my kids active during the summer by taking swimming, to the movies and letting them do volunteer work.
I keep my children active by taking them outside and letting them ride their bikes and scooters. Also, I take them to the pool and beach throughout the summer.
I am sending my son to summer camp. We’re also trying to get outside a lot.
We love going to the lake to stay active, fishing and swimming all day!
I never had children, but if I did, I send them to camp. I loved it as a child!!
my sons love to ride bikes, skateboards, and swim. Thank you for the giveaway.
We go out to our local state parks and take advantage of all they have to offer!
the kids keep active by playing soccer and playing catch.
Mine are in baseball and boy scouts
We’ve been swimming a lot!
I take my son to the pool often during the summer. He also has lots of outdoor fun at preschool 3 times per week!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
We love to go swimming and play in the pool!
I keep my kids active during the summer by taking them to museums, playgrounds, pool, parks, zoo, etc. I also enroll them in summer camps.
Keep the kids busy by going to the park and the pool.
They play different games (both indoors and outdoors) every day. When its real hot they love to run under the Sprinklers.
Take them swimming, walking and playing ball.
We take long walks with our dog, we go boating at the lakes
and we play softball.
to go camping, hiking, and swimming
I keep them active by finding fun stuff to do outside.
we like to keep active by swimming in the pool at our apartment complex. we also like to go to the park or on walks in the afternoons.
we go swimming nearly every day
We usually go swimming and to the park a lot during summer, and on weekends we try to hike and go to the zoo.
My son is super active. He loves his bike and he actually just got a new one for his birthday. He rides everyday if it doesn’t rain or snow. We also play catch as a family and we take family walks. We try to swim as much as we can during the summer, but that does’t happen as often as we would like.
We like to swim and go for hikes
We spend lots of time outside! Where we live even a trip to the mailbox is a hike so even little things are great exercise. And, of course, we also go to the beach or the park as often as possible and spend the day.
We don’t participate in organized sports, but instead we like to go camping and fishing. Sometimes we go hiking.
We like to enjoy the local parks and outdoors activities.
We have a pass to our local pool, we bike ride, and we go to the library at least once a week.
We are fortunate to have a swimming pool, so in the summertime my boys stay pretty active, it’s the winter time cooped up on the house that we have trouble with.
My kids love to go swimming at the pool. Great for hot days of summer.
We have a pool for my daughter and we take her to the playground regularly.
We like to keep the kids active by bike riding and backyard games, less internet.
I like to play catch with them
We play different games outside every morning and evening. He lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvves being outside no matter the weather.
We take a walk to the local park every couple of days. We also play outside and have board game days.
we like to run around the park
My kids always liked swimming and going to the park. We sent them to a wk of camp each summer and of course sleepovers at various friends houses.
Well, my son this summer is going to soccer camp, bible camp and he’s going to MOntana for a coupla weeks with my parents. So, lots to do
I try to geto them things to keep busy outside. We get them chalk,jacks bubbles and more!
My kids are attending a “Minecraft” camp at our local university. They are having a blast and excited to go on vacay in Juky.
I give my son a daily list of things to do before our fun time. He must read, do a math problem, practice his sax, and do his chores.
I keep them active by joing the reading programs at our library and doing one kids camp
I keep my kid active during summer by enrolling them in summer camps. I also like to take the for a swim on the beach and to play lots of sports
We like to go biking
I love taking my kids to the park to play baseball.
The kids stay active by helping in the garden.
We also do nature walks.
thank you
I like to go on hikes or bike rides with my kids.
I am not a parent so I would have to say I would recommend games on the Wii, inside games, walking around the mall…If it is too hot? Also playing in the pool.
My nephew likes to go on hikes with us.
I don’t have any kids, but my niece likes to go to the park and the beach.
Plenty of outside time and going to the beach
I don’t have any kids. ;p
We love to go to the beach and go swimming a lot or head out in the backyard and play soccer. We also go for walks and hikes especially when we are camping. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
By going on walks and playing outside (soccer, catch ball, etc.) as well as gardening.
Hi! When my son was young, I would take him to the beach and the community pool to keep him active. He’d also go to baseball day camp for a couple of weeks. Fun stuff! Thank-you!!
I like taking my girls to the park and swimming.
We combine a treasure hunt with a day of wild blueberry picking- of course the grandkids eat more than they bring home, but everyone has fun and the dollar store toys they find adds to the fun!
I don’t have to they already are
We go to the local pool often, take walks and they love riding their bikes and playing basketball and baseball!
We keep active by taking bike rides, walks, play at the beach. We take my daughter to parks and swimming also:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
i like to keep the active by doing out door activities like bike riding.
Lots of hikes, bike riding, going to walks, swimming!!
Going to the Park and pool
We belong to the neighborhood pool so swimming is our main activity in the summer.
Take the kids to the park and the swimming pool.
I keep the kids active by playing games outside , going to the park and swimming pool. For inside activities, we play games or do arts and crafts.
I keep the kids active by taking them to our local park to play on the playground and to hike the walking trails.
I keep kids busy by telling them that either they keep busy or i’ll keep them busy. they can help in the garden or preparing meals but just add some fun to it.
We keep busy by doing lots of outdoor activities like blowing bubbles, running through the sprinklers, playing ball, riding bikes, and going to our neighborhood pool.
I like to keep them active with lots of outdoor play and adventures.
I keep kids busy by getting them involved in daily activities, making those things more fun. They can help in the garden or preparing meals but just add some fun to it.
I like to keep my kids busy by taking them to the local YMCA swimming pool. They also take karate and swimming lessons and participate in Library programs
My 2 boys are teenagers and staying active is a challenge! My oldest is working full time, on his feet, so I would say he is staying pretty active! My youngest is at home, but is outside building a chicken coop or working on his soon to be car or riding his dirt bike. He helps me with yard work when asked.
Swimming is the most regular activity we engage in all summer. It provides total body movement and always a great time to play, grow strong and make friends.
My “kid” is grown now but when he was smaller we tried to do a lot of things indoors. He had really bad asthma that was worse in summer so we would run around the house and play games.
I do not have any kids
We stay active in the summer with bike rides, swim sessions, and general outdoor playtime.
We try to be outside more; do things as a family more outside and do things we enjoy
They are pretty involved in things, so keeping them active is not that much of an issue. I always try to get them to walk the dog though.
We love going to the beach and going to the park to stay active
They are involved in sports and they also work out with me.
Lots of sports
They are swimming, golf and all kind of sports.
We like to get out and play disc golf, and go to the beach during the summer. We also have a set of requirements the kids have to reach before they get any screen time. The need to get in 30 minutes of reading, something creative, physical or productive, their chores and then 30 minutes on an educational site like MobyMax or RazKids. They need to accomplish all these things before playing video games computer or watching TV, I find a lot of days they end up having fun doing something and forgetting all about their screen time!
We like to take walks after dinner
Thank you!
My niece & nephews are all on softball or baseball teams. They seem to have practice or a game every day!
I take them to the beach often or to the park around the corner.
I make sure we spend time outside during the “cooler” parts of the day. My son rides loves to run around and ride his bike and I take him to play on the playground at the park nearby.
They get an hour of outdoor play a day at least! They take the dog out and go use their imagination and play together 🙂
We play outside most of the day. The kids and I go to the pool, the beach, the park, and we have a moonbounce, swingset and jungle gym in our backyard along with a huge inflatable moonbounce. The kids also do a week of camp.
We have several activities this summer. The most exciting one is swimming!
There’s a lot of going to the park in the summertime. There’s also activities at the town center hall for the kids. We like to hit the zoo, the museum, and any other outdoor activities that they put on for the summer in our town.
We spend time outside enjoying the warm weather and limit the time with tv and video games.
I go for walks with my grandson and we go to the park.
janetfaye (at) gmail (Dot) com
We go for walks as often as we can and the boys take swimming and tumbling lessons, so even if it’s raining they get some activity.
Swimming and now that my granddaughters are getting older, working part time for the summer.
I limit the time they can watch tv and unplug electronics so they go play outside
We have a new pool so far they are pretty busy.
My child is grown, but when he was smaller he liked to play in the pool and water slide with friends.
We would walk, ride bikes, & balls… almost any type… 😉 (& a dog helps, too!)
I get them out on trips to the state parks.
We like to keep active with the kids by riding bikes, going to play at the park, and, our favorite, going swimming! It’s also nice to take a walk in the evenings after dinner.
We go to the beach.
I ban tv until dinnertime and set a good example for my kids by staying outside all day.
Walk the dog, hikes, swimming
we always took walks and rode bikes all over the place.
I would say by going to the park or outside games. Also going to different carnivals and the beach.
Swimming and bicycling are great ways!
I always limit TV time for start, we go outside, visit parks, I get them different balls and games that are good for outside.
Lucky for me my daughter is an outdoor bug so keeping her active outdoors is a snap! Theres a splash pad about a half a mile away that we walk to every day. Or a park we walk to every once in a while about a mile away. Then of course my little mermaid loves the water so the city pool is a big hit on weekends!
I like to go swimming with my kids and take them on nature walks.
I keep my kids busy by letting them swim and play outside all summer long
We stay active by playing in the backyard, going to the pool and running around at the beach! My kids also play a lot inside by using the wii and xbox when it’s too hot to be outside.
I like to schedule play dates for my daughter in the summer to keep her busy and active during the summer.
We like to go camping, hiking, swimming, and we love taking our dogs for walks.
I like to keep my kids active by working out together during the summer. We go riding bikes, swimming or jogging together.
I arrange summer camps early. I buy up supplies on sale.
Going to the beach park is a favorite summer activity for us!
They have been in softball so they have been busy with that. We go to the Smoky Mountains, zoo and parks so they can play but also be active and have fun at the same time.
The kids play outdoors a lot during the summer. They do a lot of riding bikes and playing in their small pool
We like to go to the park and the beach.
We love to keep active by swimming, playing tennis, and walking in the graveyard (everyone walks in the graveyard where I live…it’s just a pretty area…not creepy)!
We like to keep active by going swimming.
We love going to the beach and going to the park to stay active.
We go to the pool and on bike rides.