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My boys find the Nat Geo Kids books and magazines to be some of the best. Every year National Geographic Kids releases new books like their Almanac Series. They are some of the books that my kids can pick up over and over and learn a new interesting tidbit every time. While the books are educational if you think filling your head with information that might one day win you a prize on a game show or at least with your friends is educational! The books are not only filled with information but pictures to go with it, that is what get’s the kid’s attention all the cool pictures.
5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!): This book is literally busting its covers with fascinating, fun-tastic facts on super, sensational topics that kids love. Who knew that there were so many sweet things to learn about chocolate or that a dozen delicious details about peanut butter would show up on a page with a few splotches of jelly to whet our appetites? Keep turning and a terrifyingly toothy shark tells you all about himself, while other spreads lay out tons of tips on toys and games, mysteries of history, robots and reptiles, sports and spies, and wacky words. A visual feast of colorful photographs surrounded by swirling, tipping, expanding, and climbing bits of information in a high-energy design, this book will satisfy both the casual browser and the truly fact obsessed. Here are just a few of the things you will learn:
15 Peanut Butter Facts, 75 Amazing Avian Facts, 100 Shark Facts, 100 Moving Facts About Things That Go, 50 Eye-Popping Penguin Facts, 25 Beautiful Facts about Butteries and so much more!
- A dolphins knout is called a Rostrum
- The average Facebook user has 130 friends
- Some people have a fear of slime called Agyrophobia
That’s Gross: Icky Facts that Will Test Your Gross-Out Factor: This book is to be read at your own risk! Bringing together the slimiest, smelliest, and stickiest topics imaginable, That’s Gross is chock-full of foul facts that are guaranteed to make your stomach churn. Each chapter is packed with icky information, wacky and colorful pictures, and sickening sidebars that will make you say “That’s Gross!” Kids should hold on to their stomachs while they explore the world of barf, bugs, boogers, and other things parents won’t like. With lively and humorous prose, high-interest subjects, and truly disgusting photos, this book will have kids glued to the page while they learn the facts, history, and scientific details of “eww”. Kids will be so captivated by the gross-out factor that they won’t even realize how much they’re learning. They might even discover that these skin-crawling truths are just a part of everyday life!
- Chapter 1 – Horrible History: One out of every six Londoners died from the bubonic plague in 1665.
- Chapter 3 – Nasty Nature – A koala joey spends the first 6 months sipping on pap – a poopy soup made in its mother’s intestines.
- Chapter 7 – Everyday Grossness: Germs feel right at home in the knife-inflicted nicks of the cutting board, which is actually more contaminated than your kitchen floor!
Stay Connected: Visit National Geographic Kids
You are never more than 10 feet away from a spider at all times. YUCK!
Famous billionaire Howard Hughes stored his own urine in large bottles.
Chickens will continue to run around after they’ve been decapitated
People aren’t allergic to cats, they’re allergic to cat dander (spit).
I’ve read that in a years time, most humans will consume 14 insects while in their sleep.
I don’t know anything gross at the top of my head, but my son loves to read and I’m always looking for fun things that might interest him. 🙂
Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin!
don’t have any interesting facts
Sometimes I know their are coyotes close by because I can hear them killing their prey.
I know my son knows a ton of facts (he would love this book). Did you know you can build a boat out of duct tape and it will float? Hope that counts. 🙂 Oh, here’s one I just remembered. Did you know that your goosebumps are controlled by tiny muscles?
If you swim one hour in a public pool you will intake 1/12 liters of urine.
A Rhino’ s horn is made of compressed hair. Not gross but its all I could think of
Here’s one that goes with this time of year…
In Ireland turnips were carved for the first Jack O’lanterns. When the tradition came to America where there were more pumpkins, pumpkins were used.
Fact: I should write a book called “What to REALLY expect when you’re expecting”. It’s by far the hardest job on the planet.
I am a first time stay-at-home mom. We could really use this for my husbands 45 minute commute to and from Atlanta everyday!
The human head weighs 8 lbs. Sorry, not as good as some others:p The roach one is scary!
a praying mantis eats her mate (I think that is the name of the bug that does that)
a great white shark can weigh as much as 15 gorillas
a cow has to drink 4 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of milk!
Gross Fact A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off – it dies from starvation!
The best recorded distance for projectile vomiting is 27 feet
House flies go to the bathroom every 4 and a half minutes!
cats see 6 times better than humans at night