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Since we brought Sissy home I’ve used the Dreft Laundry Stain Remover a few times a week. I want to save her clothes for friends and family to use in the future and Dreft helps me to keep the baby’s clothes looking brand new. I will spare ya’ll the details, but, Sissy had an “explosion” and it was ALL.OVER. Needless to say, I rinsed the clothes and blanket she was swaddled in and immediately sprayed the Dreft. I let it sit for about a half-hour before sticking in the washer and TADA! there were no stains!
As for the Dreft Multi-Surface Cleaner, I haven’t used it yet. However, once Sissy gets a little older and able to touch and grab things I’ll be using this all over the house. I know one spot that’ll get sprayed down a lot will be the tray to her swing and on her stroller! I HATE using harsh chemicals on things that I know will come in contact with the kiddos. Being that Sissy and Mini-Me also both have sensitive skin I have to be cautious and being that this product comes from a well-known company, I totally trust it!
I was also sent a ton of laundry essentials. While we are a jeans and t-shirt kinda family we really don’t have clothing that needs to be ironed or dry cleaned. However, our bed sheets are a different story. For some reason as soon as I take the sheets outta the dryer, they are wrinkled (anyone else have this problem?). Being a Mom of a newborn and an almost 4-year-old, I don’t think I could find time to iron the sheets! So instead I sprayed the Downy Wrinkle Releaser on the sheets and while they didn’t get all of the wrinkles out, it got the majority! From Dena: I HATE ironing. Growing up that was my job to iron my dad’s shirts, so now I am grown I send my husband shirts out, I have rebelled against ironing! But when it comes to my shirts or the kid’s shirts, I use the wrinkle releaser to help. It really works to reduce wrinkles.
I gave the Dryel products to Dena being that her husband is a traveling businessman they use a dry cleaning service all the time. From Dena: I have used the Dryel products for some time now. It is very easy to use and smells great. I normally use it for those in-between times of sending his suits out to be dry cleaned. It has really cut the costs down.
This Holiday Season consider making a creative gift basket with items that the recipient can use in their everyday life. You can add an engraved business cardholder to the gift basket I created above. If you have a college graduate or someone who just moved into their own place you can add a box of spaghetti noodles and a homemade sauce to the basket with a quirky note saying “I’ll help do your laundry after you spill spaghetti sauce on your shirt!”
Have a new baby in the family? Create a gift basket and be sure to fill it with essentials that Mommy will enjoy using. For instance, be sure to include a package of Pampers diapers, wipes, pacifiers, a Lavender scented candle to relax both Mom and Baby, bathing essentials for baby and be sure to include a bottle of Dreft Laundry Stain Remover and the Multi-Surface cleaner to keep those cute clothes and toys clean!
I typically do laundry on weekends.
I usually do laundry during the week on like tuesdays or wendsdays
Sweetlikecandy1688 at gmail dot com
I usually do my laundry early Monday mornings or Sunday evening when no one else is in our building. 🙂
Dana Beeman: danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com
I do laundery almost every day. Will three kids (one of which changes clothes several times a day) I have to do it to keep up!
jandrmom2009 at gmail dot com
Laundry day is Monday. I try to get all the clothes washed in one day. Towels and sheets are another day.
I tried to do one load a day!
My laundry day is normally Friday and then it may spill over to Saturday.
tuesday is laundry day for me
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Sat and Sunday
So Neat!
chuckling at “what DAY”…I have 6 children including an infant and a toddler in cloth diapers. I do at least 6 loads of laundry EVERY SINGLE DAY no exceptions!!!
Mostly on Saturday-that’s my laundry day!
I do laundry everyday.
I dont have a specific day, but I do a load almost everyday
Saturday is my laundry day
Saturday and Sunday- I work during the week can only do it on weekends.
Lately, I do it all on Sunday. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
i do laundry twice a week normally on Wednesday and Saturday
I do a load a day
everyday,we have a load going!
With five people in the house, I do at least a load of laundry everyday.
Whenever it start piling up. I hate having laundry sitting around.
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
I usually do laundry either Sunday or Tuesday.
I do laundry several times a week…no set day…whenever I have a load large enough.
jackievillano at gmail dot com
twu as jacksondeb
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
i do laundry on the weeknds so saturday mostly
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com