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Flipp By Wishabi Inc.
This new app is one you are going to want to have this holiday season. With the Flipp app, you key in your zip code, and voila, all the local store flyers. This is a handy app that lets you save the items you need, want, or just gotta have for easy access when you hit the stores, especially during the holidays.
The app updates the flyers and lets you know how many are available in the top left. I have tried this several times and one week there were 127 flyers available. At a quick glance, you can see if the ad is new, and when the ad ends. All the top store flyers are listed: Walmart, ALDI, Meijer, Whole Foods, Target, Kroger, Best Buy, Toys R Us plus so many more. In addition to the flyers, you will find toy books, special ads, and eCatalogs.
Once you click on an ad you can zoom in on a page, tap on an image to add to your shopping list, and adjust the slider if you want to see only items in the ad that are over a certain percentage. In the Toys R Us ad (shown below), there are 10 items over 50% off, plus it automatically highlights the sale items on each page so you can easily find those items.
Among the new Flipp app’s ultra-handy features and functions are:
- Flip – Quickly flip through favorite circulars to find items to purchase
- Search – Easily find products or stores to quickly create a shopping list
- Clip – Clip items straight to your shopping list
- Shopping List – Pinterest-type shopping list that allows for efficient in-store shopping
- Discount Finder – Instantly highlight discounts to find the best deals
- Favorites – Save circulars from your favorite stores for easy reference every week
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I like the feature of adding this right onto your list. Looks like a great site!
Thanks for the chance of winning!
Pretty pleaseeee
The clipping feature is very neat
I like that you can easily clip items right to your shopping list.
I like the clipping feature.
I think what I like the most is the quick add to your want to your add list.
Who needs to read anything anymore…this app is great.
I like being able to clip items from any flyer onto a shopping list
love the clipping tool
This giveaway is confusing
This contest I found to be a little confusing!
The discount slider.
I like being able to clip whatever I want.
I like that you can save your favorite stores’ flyers for quick reference.
Thanks for the giveaway…we like the ability to browse multiple store flyers in one convenient place !
It would be good for sales – IF I had a device that could run it.
Thanks for the contest.
The ability to clip items is the best for me. This would be so great for me in everyday life.
I love how you can highlight sales. I also like how I can clip from sale flyers.Thank you 🙂
Oh my gosh this is the best app Idea ever! I love that you can store all the ads from the week and favorite the stores you most frequent! Downloading this as we speal 🙂
I like that it can save my favorite store’s flyers for east reference!
I like how you can products right on your smartphone.
The Discount Finder is my favorite Feature. I like that it finds the best discount for me.
my favorite feature is the discount slider, I would use that feature a lot.
I like that you can clip items from the flyer
I like the Favorites. I like being able to see the stores flyers.
I love that you can save your favorite store flyers..this sounds really awesome 🙂
I like how you can clip items from the flyer.
I like the fact that you can save the flyer for your favorite stores
I like the clipping feature.thats really cool
I learned that its the easiest way to browse flyers and save money
I like that you can clip items from the flyer and add it to your shopping list.
I can clip items I like straight from the ads
I like the feature that allows you to clip items straight to my shopping list, this will really save alot of time and hassle.
I like that you clip items. This is perfect because now the wal-mart price matches BOGO, I can clip the items I am going to buy for easy reference.
I like that I can clip out items from the ads. I like having the week’s ad avaliable where ever I am at.
The price matching of store flyers is a real coup. I would use this app to find the best deals around.
I like that feature that saves I store flyers
I love this idea. Your shopping list is detailed based on the ads that are right there at your fingertips! It makes shopping so much easier and you can have your ads to your favorite stores right there.
I like that the ads are always with you
I like that it can put anything you clip straight onto your shopping list
I love that it highlights items on sale so they are easy to find.
I like the disconut slider feature
I am impressed with the Discount Slidder to find the best deals.
Clipping an item from a flyer straight to your shopping cart is a great feature.
I love the feature to clip items from a flyer strait to my coupon list.
i like clipping and then have it added to your shopping list.
You can automatically have it highlight discounts for you so those stand out when ‘flipping’ through the ads.
I like that you can specifically search for an item.
I love the discount filter. That seems really useful.
I love the clipping feature 🙂
I like the easy search function.
clipping items to your list would be handy. easy to what is where and savings anount.
I really like the clipping feature
I like that it scans ads for you
you can save your stores flyers.
I like that I can save 40% or more on my weekly shopping!
I like that it’s a convenient way to look at flyers without dealing with a bunch of papers
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I like how your shopping list from Flipp is automatically updated to your phone!
I like seeing the sales
I like the clipping feature.
i like the discount slider
I like that it clips items from any flyer straight to your shopping list
I like that it automatically syncs with multiple devices if you want it to. That way I can stay organized wherever I’m at!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like that you can clip items to your shopping list, saves time.
I like the Discount Slider feature.
i like i can clip items straight to my list love that
I like that I would have access to my favorite stores’ flyers. No more carrying around disorganized papers!
I like that you can clip items from the flyer to your shopping list. I always seem to have to pick up another flyer at the store cause I forgot everything I wanted.
I like that it’s searchable and that you can clip ads.
I like the clipping coupons part. That would be fantastic if it worked easily. I’m a bit skeptical that these things work in the real world with ease.
I like how you can ad flyers to your shopping list
My favorite is that you can store the store flyers.
All the local ads are in one place
I like how you can quickly flip through the pages of different ads. And they’re all in one place.
Clipping items to my shopping list is the best feature ever!
I like that you can clip items to your shopping list
Being able to compare all the prices at the same time.
Flipping is definitely the best feature for me! Seems like such a time saver!
I like the, Save circulars from your favorite stores for easy reference every week. This would be so nice.
I like the search feature to find things easily. Thanks for the giveaway! DamianMom at yahoo dot com
Multiple flyers in one app
I love the fact that I can clip and add to my shopping list. Easy Peacy – so very convenient.
I like that you can clip items from any flyer straight to your shopping list.
I like the clip items feature best. Easy way to keep them on hand
I like the idea of seeing your flyers on the go, but I just wish it were Android compatible. My husband had this idea years ago, in fact. Good thing he’s an iPhone.
How great now to carry around all kinds of flyers!
I like that you can save your favorite store’s flyers for easy reference.
I like that you can clip things from all the flyers and put them right into your shopping list.
The Flipp app feature that I like is that you can highlight items on sale to find the best deals! Thanks for the great giveaway!
that you can clip item from any ad straight to you shopping list
I visited Flipp, and the features that most appeal to me are the Clipping feature where you clip items from any flyers straight to your shopping list.
Thank you for the nice giveaway!
The clipping most appeals to me because then I can have a list of the sale items I am actually interested in, instead of carrying a whole flyer around with me.
I love that you can make a shopping list.
I definitely love the option of clipping items from different stores’ flyers directly to your shopping list. What a time saver that would be, plus the best way to make sure you’re getting the best deals!
I love that I can get rid of paper flyers to keep organized!
I like that you can save items from the ads straight to your shopping list! Makes it super easy!
The discount slider is my favorite feature.
I like the clipping!
Being able to clip coupons fast and easy on the go.
I like the discount slider feature.It would help assure that I am getting the best deal.
the ability to save 40% or more on my weekly shopping
I like the Discount Slider feature. The whole app looks awesome!
I like the feature that allows you to clip items from a flyer and they go to your shopping list.
I like the store flyers.
Love the clipping items from the flyer feature
I like that you can save your favorite stores flyers
I like that you can flip through any flyer and the discount slider helps find the best deal.
I like being able to get flyers just for your location, and not for stores halfway across the state.
the ability to save 40% or more on my weekly shopping
The best part is being able to check out all the flyers in one place.
I like the easy search function to easily find what you want.
The ability to search right on my phone, saving wear and tear on my car, my granddaughters, and mostly…Me
I like that you can clip items from any flyer
the discount filter looks pretty neat..i could probably use this..dunno yey
I like that you can “clip” things from a flyer directly to your shopping list. Seems very handy!
i love that you can save your favorites and they wont be lost.
I like that you can clip coupons straight from a flyer to your shopping list.
I really like that you can save your favorites. You won’t have to worry about losing them.
I like that you can clip items
I like the that you can clip items straight to your shopping list feature.
I could really get to like the highlighting ads and sales feature
I like the clipping to a list feature the best!
You can put store flyers in the app!
I like clipping the items through the flyer feature!
I like that Flipp allows me to clip items from the flyer directly to my shopping list.
I love that you can save your stores flyers
I like that you can clip directly from flyers.
I like the clipping feature.
i like how you can clip it right to your shopping list
I like how you can browse flyers on the convenience of your phone. You don’t have to mess with multiple scraps of coupons and the hassle of keeping track of/buying multiple papers.
I like that you can make a shopping list right from the flyer that is pretty easy
I like that you can clip items from flyers to your shopping list!
I like that you can put in what you are looking for and it will scan ads for you for that item
clipping items right into your shopping list is great
I like that it highlights sale items so you can get the best prices.
I like the clipping feature, but I really think I would use the favorites feature a great deal. I have handfuls on flyers that I have to drag with me each week, this would make it so much nicer and easier to do at home!
I love that all of the store flyers are available.
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like that you can save your favorite store flyers for easy reference
I like that I can sync this with my iphone and ipad!
You can save store flyers for easy reference.
I love that you can see what is on sale in multiple stores!
The discount slider would be most appealing to me. I’m all about the deals.
I love that you’re able to look at multiple ads all right one your phone
I love that I can browse multiple store ads from my smart phone and save my favorite stores for easy future browsing. This is very cool!
The clipping feature appeals to me most:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
i like the clipping items from the flyer
I love the discount slider! Thank you for your blog and giveaways! 🙂
I like how you can clip flyers to your shopping list. 🙂
this is a useful app!
I like that you can clip coupons. I am always forgetting and leaving them at home.
that you can save all your favorite circulars
I love the clipping items from the flyer feature!
I like that you can save all your favorite circulars for easy reference every week.
The feature that most appeals to me is having all the ads right on my phone. No more forgetting who had what on sale.
I like being able to clip items to your shopping list
I like the Discount Slider feature.
I love that we can see so many flyers in one spot and it’s always convenient!
I like that I can use it on my iPhone. I also like that you can save your favorite stores to see quickly.
i like that you can clip items right from the flyer to your shopping list
I like that I can save more then 40% more then weely adds.
Wow, this is amazing! I love that you can clip and add right to your shopping list. This makes shopping so much easier! Thanks for the post.
I like the discount slider feature. It makes easier to spot on sales and good deals.
i like the clipping items from the flyer feature
Visited and the feature that most appeals to me is that you can clip items straight to my shopping list.
I like being able to clip items from any flyer onto a shopping list.
I love that you can rapidly browse flyers and find the categories and the brands I like best!!!
i like that you can clip items from any flyer straight to your shopping list
I love that they can clip items from the flyer
I love that you can save your stores flyers.
I like the clipping feature.
so you can see whats on sale everywhere!
I love that you can save your stores flyers.
I love the clipping items from the flyer feature!
I like the discount slider so you can search for the best deals!
I like that you can clip items from flyers and its searchable, which make holiday shopping easier.