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From the first frame to the last, Zero Dark Thirty will have you on the edge of your seat. Emotions will flow fast and furiously as you relive history. You will grip the armrests of your seat with anxiety and appreciation. After all, this is a movie about taking out the worst enemy America has ever faced.
The action in ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is the suspense of watching the action unfold. The suspense, at times, can be crushing because we know the end result, but agonizing through the gritty details of how America got there is what this movie is all about.
You will find agonizing scenes in this movie that demonstrate how ruthless Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were. The realism is all too real and all too devastating at times, but as one scene flows into the next, you are always there in your seat, anxiously waiting to find out what happens next.
No scene is more dramatic than when the Seals fly into Bin Laden’s compound, and one of the helicopters crashes; at once, you remember the tragedy when America tried to rescue our hostages held by Iran, and then relief floods over you as you realize this crash is not a tragedy in the making. But suddenly, in a few seconds, you are with the Navy seals as they are inside the compound and hunt down and take out the worst terrorist the world has ever known. Your heart beats faster, and you clench your teeth as the action unfolds in this scene, all the while thinking how great it is to be an American.
‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is about taking out Bin Laden and the plans and heroes involved. But much more than that, ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is about America, about people like you and me who want justice and want to take out Bin Laden, and at the end of this movie, you want to stand up and cheer.
Review Written by Larry
I haven’t seen the movie yet.
Would love to see this
We have not seen this movie yet.
have not seen it…
Seen it!
I have not seen it yet but I want to; missed it when it was in town.
I haven’t viewed this yet, but I’d love to.
I have not seen the movie yet but very much want to. My husbands a 100% disabled veteran so stuff like this hits close to home.
I haven’t seen the movie yet.
no haven’t seen it yet but would love too
Yes, my husband and I saw it and thought it was really good
Haven’t seen the movie.
I haven’t but my boyfriend is dying to see it.
I haven’t seen it, but I want to!
While I enjoyed this film, I think the Oscars got it right giving Best Picture to Argo.
No.not yet..but will!!! Sounds Awesome
I have not seen this movie yet, but I really want to see it! I think it looks great!
I haven’t seen it yet but I do want to bad, it was recommended to me by my brother who’s in the military
no not yet!
I haven’t, but I’m very excited to
I have not seen this movie yet, but would really like to.
I haven’t seen the movie yet.
Saw it with my husband in theaters and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t think I would, but I did!
Haven’t Seen It Yet, But My Husband Really Wants Too!
I have not seen it yet but I am hope to see it very soon.
I haven’t seen it yet. I keep wanting to!
I have not seen this movie yet but would like to!
No i have not seen it yet, but am dying too!
I haven’t seen it, but from what you say it sounds great!
no I have not
I haven’t seen it yet, but I want to.
Not yet 🙁
No, I haven’t seen the movie yet.
No, I have not.
i haven’t seen it yet, but my boyfriend has and he really enjoyed it. i want to win this for him
I love this movie!
haven’t seen the movie yet
I haven’t seen the movie yet, but was planning on getting it when it came out…thanks for the giveaway!
No I have not yet seen this movie but would like to.
havent seen it, but want to
i havent seen it yet but have heard that its a good movie
I have not seen the movie yet but want to.
I have not seen the movie yet.
No, but I want to.
I have not seen it, but my husband said it was good.
I haven’t seen the movie yet.
Yes, I have seen it! I really liked the movie! Jessica Chastain blew me away with her performance!
We have not seen it yet, but very much want to.
I have not seen the movie but I have heard great things!
Saw it yesterday! It was a really good movie and nice to see the actual account of the whole event and everything leading up to it!
No, I haven’t seen it yet. I want to see it though.
I saw it and liked it quite a bit.
No, but it would be interesting to see how the things went down during that time.
no, I’ve not seen the movie yet.
I saw it and I thought it was excellent. VERY well directed!
I haven’t seen it yet. My son recommends that I do watch it.
I have not seen it yet…but would like to.
Thank you!
no but i’ve been wanting to!
I’ve never heard of this movie until now….cant wait to see
no I haven’t seen it yet.
Have not
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
I haven’t seen it yet!
no i havent yet
I have not seen it yet, but it’s on my list!
Zero Dark Thirty was amazing, I thought it deserved the Best Picture
Oscar. Mark Boal & Kathryn Bigelow make an awesome military genre
team. I loved her previous film Hurt Locker, and this one was better still.
Need to own a copy of this for sure!!
I have not seen it yet.
no i haven’t but I really want to
No I have not seen this movie yet.
Nope, haven’t seen this movie yet.
No, I have not yet seen the movie.
I have seen the movie and it was AWESOME!
No, I haven’t seen it yet,but we will soon 🙂
Not yet, but soon hopefully
I have not seen it yet, but look forward to doing so.
No, I have not seen it yet so I am hoping that I win this so I can get a chance to see it!
No but I plan to.
No, I have not seen it yet but I used to live in close proximity to Virginia Beach so I’ve heard all about it.
I did not see but I want to see it. My teenaged son did see it and liked it.
I have not seen the movie yet
Not yet. But looking forward to it.
Yes i just saw it,kept my attention.
I did see it, and it was very intense.
haven’t seen it yet
I haven’t yet but want to
no but i really wanna!!
Great movie and great script!!!!!
Sounds like a great movie. Have not seen, but would like to. Sounds like it was very well acted.
I have seen this movie. Great action!!! I recommend it!
I have not seen it.
I have not seen the movie yet