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STRONG and KIND: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed, by Korie Robertson
It’s never been more important to teach your children well.
What America needs today are parents who don’t just say they value these virtues but who live them and passionately and boldly teach them to their children. It’s up to me, you, and every parent in America to make the necessary changes to give our children the opportunity to change the world. We do that by instilling good character traits in them so that they will be capable of being the adults our world needs.
Korie Robertson
Many parents want to see positive character traits in their children but wonder how to instill them. As stars of the hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty, Korie and Willie Robertson receive loads of letters and messages from fans asking how they’ve raised such good kids. As they will tell you, it isn’t always easy, but raising kids with good character is possible.
A straightforward, practical approach to parenting, STRONG and KIND, helps you identify the character traits you want to see in your children and gives you the tools for putting them in place. Besides strength and kindness, other character traits include Self-Control, Honesty, Compassion, Patience, Joyfulness, Loyalty, and Humility.
By modeling positive traits with confidence, consistency, creativity, unity, and in truth and love, you can increase the chances of your kids catching on. At the end of the day, the Duck Dynasty stars say the most important thing you can do for your children is what they do at the end of every episode: hand them over to God in prayer.
Flap Copy:
What Legacy Will You Pass Down To The Next Generation?
After being a parent for twenty years, I have come to believe that the most important thing for parents to decide is more important than bottle or breastfeeding, more important than co-sleeping or sleep training, and even more important than whether to put your child in daycare or become a stay-at-home parent is what values are essential to your family and how you will go about instilling those values in your children.
In STRONG and KIND, Korie Robertson, with the help of her mom, Chrys Howard, and with insights and stories from her husband, Willie, introduces nine character traits that children need to lead a successful life. And though there are no perfect parents or perfect children, Korie shares principles based on biblical wisdom and time-tested practices that will help you parent your one-of-a-kind child.
3.5 Stars: I was given a copy of this book by the publishers for an honest review.
I would have never picked up this book. Never in a million years. The reason for that? I think parenting is personal for everyone. No one is right when it comes to parenting. Sure, some people do it better than others. But I would never dole out parenting advice to someone, not even my close friends.
But after reading this book and getting a feel for how Korie and Willie speak and act. They practice what they preach. They don’t say, do as I say, not as I do. Kids mimic our every move, good, bad, and ugly. If we live by the standards we want our kids to have, they will mirror that.
Korie sets us up with a list of qualities, but write your own. And pick two to focus on. I decided Independence and Loyal. Those are the two qualities I need to focus on and exemplify for my children. But always keep the other qualities close at hand, too.
There are a lot of common sense parenting skills there, too, like letting your kids fail or letting them feel disappointed. Don’t pad everything with rainbows and unicorns. Failure is good; it teaches the kids how to cope. This book is loaded with good advice, but the people who need this book aren’t going to read it. That’s the sad part.
Korie talks about her relationship with Willie, that she works on it; it’s a job. I couldn’t agree more. If you show your children you love and respect your spouse, they will do the same. And they will thrive on the love you have for your spouse.
The wisdom and stories from Willie were a nice touch and made it seem less preachy. More personable. I would recommend this book to any Christian parent. You will not be disappointed.
Review by Amy Garnet
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Buy It: STRONG and KIND: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed is available on Amazon.
My tip is to be patient and don’t be afraid to ask for help. This book looks very interesting!
The one most important to me is to trust each other. And I think trust goes a long way.
One of my best parenting tips is to not be afraid to disagree with your spouse in front of your children. I know it sounds odd, but it teaches them conflict resolutions skills and that is ok to not always agree and you can still love someone.
My best parenting tip with my son was to consider what type of adult I was creating whenever making decisions or teaching him to do things.
My tip is praise your child when they do something good. Always be there when they want to talk.Its so important to have communication. When my daughter was a teenager we talked about everything.She even told me things Id rather not of known but she trusted me enough to talk. Thank you for the chance 🙂
I know one thing that my parents always told my brothers and I when we were younger was to always respect your elders.
Best parenting tip is establish trust, they can come to you with any questions.