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With the holidays right around the corner, you are going to want to make sure you are prepared for those unexpected out-of-town guests. Having an extra bed, especially one that you can store away, would come in handy not only for the out-of-towner, the kids’ sleepovers, or when you have to get some sleep and your significant other is sick or can’t stop snoring!
The Premium Mattress-Style AeroBed is an antimicrobial treated sleep surface that resists odor, mold, mildew, and fungus on the product. Similar to a traditional bed, the 4-layer construction provides extra support for a more restful sleep and lets you dress this mattress with standard-sized bedding. All it takes is the flick of a switch on the handheld wand to activate the built-in Perfect Pressure pump. The indicator on the pump will light up to tell you when the bed is full. If your guest wants a softer feel, they can simply press the firmness adjust button on the integrated whoosh valve to let out small amounts of air and find the perfect comfort level. When you’re ready to pack up, open the whoosh valve completely to deflate the bed quickly, and the oversized carry bag offers simple storage until the next relaxing night.
Available on Amazon
When we have guests over we always make sure they are taken care of well. Their rooms are immaculate and usually take them out to eat
I’ve had sleep overs with my grandsons. They are always fun. When I was a teenager I had lots of sleep overs. The funniest thing about them was I was always the 1st one to fall asleep.
Thanks for the giveaway
I always have family members or friends coming up to stay overnight and we always give up our bed to make them comfortable so this would be great for us and would be used alot
This looks like a great mattress. I have had the experiences with air mattresses where you feel like you are on a boat when someone else moves, but this looks great.
One year many years ago we spent the night at a friends home, well we had to sleep on their sons full size water bed, well I weight more than hubby and this bed was cold, I would turn and hubby would bounce I eventually got up and slept on the floor come to find out the bed thermometer had gotten unplugged, that is okay it solved me wanting a water bed no way, we have a full size bed for our guest and they say it is very comfortable.
I had my friend over with her boyfriend and their bed took up the whole living room then and my pup Belle couldn’t get back to her bed. She sat and cried and tried everything to get around their bed, but wouldn’t step on it.
One time my son came down to visit, and he was using a air mattress to sleep on. When morning came I got up, and walked out into the living room where he had set up the air mattress to find him laying on a empty air mattress right down to the floor. I laughed so hard, it must’ve had a slow leak in it. Funniest thing ever.
I alwyays have to put them on the couch and I know that not so comfortable. this would be great to have for my guest
We have a large family (6 kids) and a small house. so I guess all I can say is we are very close because of it. We had always done a lot of camping on the floors to sleep, so the kids and now grandkids think that is a lot of fun. watching movies and having snacks. Everyone knows they can feel at home because its always been so casual. Our one mattress is over 10 years old and leaking, so hoping for a new one! thanks!
My biggest story is about a large group being sick and it was not hilarious at All!
I try to make them a really awesome breakfast and just make them feel as if my home were theirs. I always keep fresh clean linens ready to go as well.
I make guests feel at home by having towels and toiletries available to them in case they forgot to bring them. Fresh sheets and extra blankets and pillows also help.
We make our guests feel at home by giving them the opposite side of the house from our bedroom which has a guest room and a bathroom. I try to make our guestroom feel like a homey yet luxurious hotel room 🙂
I don’t have a funny story. I make my guest feel at home by leaving a nice basket on the dresser of toiletries and a few favorite snacks.
I have mentioned that I hate Captcha codes!!! If I win this, my daughter will have a comfie place to sleep when she visits. I can’t wait to tell her.
I always try to make my guests feel at home but one weekend I bought a “blow up” bed would sit on a metal pop open base. Everything was fine until in the morning when my guests were not only laying on a completely deflated mattress but were stuck in the middle of the metal pop out base. It was hysterical although they didn’t think it was so funny.
We give our guest our bedroom to sleep in. They have their own bathroom so that they feel more comfortable while they are staying here.
We try to keep our guestroom fresh and up to date by changing the comforter and adding fresh flowers when someone is coming.
I make guests feel at home by giving them a detailed tour of the kitchen, so they know where things are when they want something. I also stock the guest bath with the brands I know they love, as well as some brands that might pique their interest.
After returning from a hurricane, we slept on a blow up mattress. Every morning we would wake laying on the floor. There would not be any air left.
One Christmas eve, when I was about 7 yrs old, my grandparents had to sleep over because the snow was really bad outside,so Gram slept upstairs in my brothers room, and Pap had to sleep on the couch,well, later that night I was sneaking down the steps to see if Santa had been there yet, and instead I saw the reflection of the tree in the living room window (Pap was peeking at me from the couch) and I thought it was Santa on the porch (it was dark and I could only see an outline), so I ran real fast back up to my bed, Pap laughed thinking I saw Santa when it was just the tree!!LOL
When my son went away to college, I move some of my clothes and shoes into his room. After his first trip home he complained that his room smelled like feet.
We have a regular old full size that we throw in the floor for guests! I’m betting they would enjoy this much more!
I remember when the youth group stayed overnight with our family. One young man got the safety gate and started stretching it out saying, “milk, I’ve got to have milk”. We laughed many times over this memory.
One Thanksgiving my grandparents broke tradition and has the big feast at my house. This meant that they would be sleeping over. I collect horror movie memorabilia (posters mostly) and gave my grandparents my bed for their stay. My papa went to bed first, and nana shut off the lights and closed the door and right away he started screaming this crazy, weird, girlish scream. We all rush to the bedroom and throw open the door asking what’s going on. He says, “it’s damn scary in here Dee, leave the door open!” hahaha
I’ll never forget it.
I have lots of food so my guests feel like they are at home
I make my guests feel at home by setting up a little guest suite. I have a guests toiletries provided for my guests when they stay and I make sure to have items that I know they like to eat and drink on hand when they come visit.
We travel for work & have not had a “Mattress” in ten years. Had a fab air bed that lasted about 6 yrs, no problem. This would be a nice “next”.
I do try to make my guests comfortable. One time we had so many guests my nephew had to sleep on the sofa. I really wanted him to enjoy his stay so I heated his blankets in the dryer just before he went to bed and I served him hot chocolate. He still tells his cousin that staying at my house is the best.
when I am expecting company, i make sure the fried is stocked with food. i also make sure they havea comfortable place tos leep.
Well, I had the perfect guest room complete with extra pillows and comfy blankets, but I guess the mattresses aren’t all they’re cracked up to be as my last overnight guest I found sleeping on my couch the next morning.
I like making my guests a real nice breakfast in the morning to start the day off right-
my bed is getting old,and ive looked at thei air beds,but still not sure about them..although if i win one?..ill get a better take on it,,thanks
im such a bad hostess, but i keep feeding everyone all day long
Just this past weekend we had a few guests and we put them in our pull out couch bed — well they forgot to blow up the mattress all the way and secure the lever so that when one of them got up the bed almost closed on them! oops!
I don’t really like having guests stay the night often. The last time wasn’t that great of an experience. We had my husbands sister stay the night and she ended up setting our front porch on fire because she didn’t put a cigarette out all the way. That was pretty scary!!
I’m from a family of caregivers so when someone comes to visit, I’m running around taking care of them. It kinda stresses me out, especially figuring out where everyone’s going to sleep.
I try to make people at home. I mostly have family so I will make their favorites for meals and have their favorites for snacks, toiletries, etc.
I don’t have a funny story, but my Mom comes over and stays the night a lot. I give her my bed because she’s getting up in age and needs to be comfortable. I usually stay on the couch because I don’t have a guest room. This would be great for when my Mom visits. I would be more comfortable on this bed than I am on my old couch.
I do not have a funny story that I can recall. I try to make my guests feel at home by providing things that remind them of home like food, blankets, etc.. I also provide fresh clean towels and pillows.
I try to make my guest feel at home by putting folded towels in their room and extra blankets in case they get cold. One time my mom and stepdad had to sleep at my apartment because their power went out.
I try very hard to make guests feel at home, but the last time was a disaster. I had company just as our thermostat was going crazy. It was the heat of the summer, so we had to have AC, but the thermostat kept it running full blast. We all had to sleep under quilts and nearly froze to death in mid-July.
***We replaced the thermostat.
I like to make sure I have a mattress, blankets, and pillows for all of my guests to sleep on. Right now the air bedsI own have holes in them, so I always warn people ahead of time that if they really want to visit and sleep over, they’ll have to take the floor. I think I’ll invest in a futon instead and save my air beds for traveling out of town.
I’m afraid I am not really good at making my guests feel at home. The last time I had guests, I put them in the room where I keep my stockpile, so they slept with towers of bathroom tissue and paper towels and laundry detergent. They did say they were comfortable and they came back to visit again, so I guess it wasn’t too bad. Thanks.