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For the past five years, I’ve used bags. With my first, I didn’t use a diaper bag per se. It was the biggest bag with a zipper I could find at Target. It was maroon in color and patent leather. I thought (at the time) that was the best option since I could wipe it down to clean it. As time moved on and I had TT girl, I realized I needed a bag that could be washable. Since then, I’ve been using the SugarBooger bag by ORE, which I reviewed some time ago. It’s super hard to keep organized, but so freakin’ easy to keep clean. All I do is toss it in the laundry, and it’s new again.
With baby #3 on the way and two children two and under, I have been looking for a bag that will help me stay organized.I hope it will do just that with the Ju-Ju-Be BFF bag I received. I LOVE all the compartments that the bag has. A zipper pocket on the outside of the bag allows me to put my driver’s license, debit card, and cash. This will help me from digging into the bottom of the bag, hoping I find my wallet in time at check out 😉
When the Ju-Ju-Be bag arrived, I remember thinking to myself, “Man, this is too nice a bag to use!”. But then reality hit me and I’ve spent more than $165 (the cost of the BFF Bag) in bags over the past 5 years. If I would’ve not been a tight ass and bought this bag in the first place, my life (in the diaper bag world!) would’ve probably been a lot less stressful. I love to stay organized and that’s what the BFF bag does!
One key feature that I love is that I can store all the diapers and pull-ups on the zippered pouch on the other side of the bag. Now I won’t have to dig for diapers, wipes, the changing pad cover, and everything in between. Now the inside of the bag seems to be quite small, but, I have managed to pack the entire BFF bag with everything I’ll be needing for delivery and our 2-day hospital stay.
I can’t wait until October for our Baby Boy to arrive and to actually put my Ju-Ju-Be BFF Bag to good use. My life is going to be every bit of chaotic transitioning from 2 to 3 kids, all while my oldest starts school so I will gladly accept anything that’ll make it a little bit easier.
Ju-Ju-Be offers all sorts of diaper bags in all shapes and sizes, from leather to 14 different fabric choices. Plus they have all the little extras for your bag as well.
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- Visit the Ju-Ju-Be Website
- Find Ju-Ju-Be on Amazon
I was provided with product for this review. All views and opinions with regard to the Ju-Ju-Be Diaper Bag Review or the company are my own and were not influenced by the company.
This looks like an awesome diaper bag. Congratulations on the newest addition. I have always heard that it is harder to go from 1 to 2 kids, than it is to go from 2 to 3. I have three kids myself but there is a huge age gap between my older kids and my youngest.
A good bag is very helpful. Diaper bags need to be easy to clean and use…lots of pockets and comfortable but durable. They can also be used for other things. My daughter has used one for cameras since they protect your items and are easy to organize.
What a great looking bag and so roomy too. Would love to give this to my niece who is due in December.
What a cute diaper bag and it looks functional too. This would make a great shower gift.