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My seven year old was excited to get a copy of this to watch as every time the commercials would come on he would stop whatever he was doing and just become fixated. We watched this together and he loved it! I really didn’t think it would hold is attention but he liked watching the two baby cubs, Amber and Scout. The film takes you on a journey with momma bear Sky in Alaska.
The Disneynature series also includes “Earth,” “Oceans,” “African Cats” and “Chimpanzee,”. Did you know that through donations tied to opening-week attendance and week 1 Blu-ray sales for all four films, Disneynature, through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, has planted three million trees in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, established 40,000 acres of marine protected area in The Bahamas, protected 65,000 acres of savanna in Kenya, protected nearly 130,000 acres of wild chimpanzee habitat, educated 60,000 school children about chimpanzee conservation and cared for chimpanzees? As for “Bears”, every purchase of the movie during the first week of its release, Disneynature will make a donation through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund to the National Park Foundation, the official charity of America’s national parks, to further protect and conserve endangered or threatened wildlife and wild places as well as enhance field research across more than 2.9 million acres of National Park Service land.
Disneynature Bears is an epic story of breathtaking scale, this heartwarming and visually spectacular film showcases a year in the life of a bear family as two impressionable young cubs are taught life’s most important lessons. Families everywhere can now travel to a majestic Alaskan wilderness teeming with life without leaving home as “Bears” arrives on Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, and Digital HD featuring stunning high definition picture, transporting sound, and exciting bonus feature both parents and their children will love. ~Disney
I am “beary” excited (I couldn’t resist) to share these downloadable Bears activities! Just click on the picture to download. You can also check out the Bears Educator’s Guide. Plus take a look at all the bonus material that is available on the Blu-ray copy of the movie!
Bonus Materials: Blu-ray, Digital HD & DMA
Welcome To Alaska – Journey with the filmmakers into the Alaskan wilds to film Sky and her cubs.
The Future For The Bears – Experience the thrill of living with the bears during production and the importance of protecting the wilderness to ensure their survival…and our own.
A Guide To Living With Bears – Learn how the team interacts safely with these magnificent creatures.
How Did They Film That? – Get an inside look at some of the extreme filmmaking that went into getting shots high in the mountains and under frigid cold water.
“Carry On” Music Video By Olivia Holt
Stay Connected:
- Visit the Disney Bears Website
- Like DisneyNature on Facebook
- Follow @Disneynature
Love yourself and be kind to others
Live life to the fullest.
A life lesson I hope to leave my daughter is this: it is vital to love God and to love others. Life apart from these two things has no meaning.
That it is always best to be honest
Be yourself and don’t care what anybody else thinks about you.
One lesson I will teach my little one is send good out into the world and it’ll come back to you. People are still going to be mean, but the problem is them-not you.
Do not be a bully and always treat eeryone with respect, even if they seem a bit different than you
Treat people with kindness, don’t judge. People are people no matter their race,sexual preference, etc. Also be strong and do what you believe is right.
I always tell my children to be responsible for their actions. This also includes their environment, which they share with other living beings, be it human or animal. They should respect the earth and all it’s living things.
I’d like her to live life to its fullest.
Do to others with what you want done to you.
& also, I want my kids to not let other peoples words effect them. I was beat up all though my childhood by a neighbor, and made fun of constantly. I’m 26 and people still make fun of me all time the. I don’t let them bother me, but i know bullying and such effects soo soo many, and I just hope they end up being like me in that aspect.
be kind and helpful to others as you will need their kindness in return one day
I want to leave my children with the lesson that service to others brings true happiness.
I want them to be respectful and do the best they can in all the things they do in life
I will teach my kids to be leaders never follow the group, always stand up for what you believe and don’t take S–T from anyone
Always believe in God and trust in His loving Mercy and Forgiveness and unending love for you!
I hope we have taught her many lessons and continue to teach her. The top of our list is: Treat others how you wish to be treated. Next, think before you speak.
One important life lesson is to be kind and helpful to others.
One lesson I’ve tried to get my kids to understand is that for every decision you make there will be consequences, rather they be good or bad.
One good life lesson that I hope my kids get from me is to have Faith in God always and to laugh daily.
Treat others how you would like to be treated
I was so excited when I saw this movie come out. I love Disney nature movies. I watched the one with the chimpanzee and loved it. Think my son would enjoy watching this.
A life lesson I would leave my children would be to always be happy. No matter what life throws at you find the positive part of it and smile.
Treat others kindly and with respect.
I know it’s a cliché. But I’ve always lived by “treat others how you would like to be treated.”
I want my kids to always tell the truth.
Always have respect for others and yourself. Take responsibility for your actions and choices.
age is just a number, if you feel you can do something at a young age, go for it!
One lesson I have always tried to teach my children is that you have to work hard to get ahead.
I try to teach them to be independant.
I think that would be to always think that treat others the way you want to be treated. 🙂
To never be a follower, do what is right in your heart.
To be honest.
I always told both of y children to treat people like they would want to be treated.
Always be kind to others. You don’t know what it is like in their shoes.
I have 3 things my kids will know before I’m gone…..Respect for self & others – Faith – Education.
Honesty-always the best policy!
The lessn I wold want my children to remember is to have confidence in themselves and their decisions. You need to take pride in yourself and what you do.
awesome giveaway..i always tell my gkids that if they find themselves in a position where they’re in danger, to listen to their gut.
I want them to live their lives in way that makes them happy and not be concerned with the opinions of others. At the same time I want them to be kind and considerate
I would teach them to treat others the way they would want to be treated.
I will teach my children about God and His eternal love for them, about being respectful and loving of others.
I try to impress upon them the importance of being honest and truthful.
Treat others how they would want to be treated.
This movie looks fun as well as educational.
Lots of good life advice here! I also try to stress to my kids how important education is. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
The one life lesson is to appreciate the differences in everyone and never judge people.
An important lesson I want to leave my grandsons is to always try your best and that hard work pays off.
I hope to leave them with the idea of not limiting themselves
The Golden Rule & be kind to animals
That honesty is the best policy.
One important life lesson I will leave my children with is to respect everyone and try and help when you can.
To ALWAYS be yourself, never sell yourself short. You are who are and the way you are for a reason, always shine your brightest never let anyone dull your light.
How very important it is to have patient and to always say please and thank you!
be kind and caring to others
One of the most important lessons I was sure to teach them is: “Stay away from bears!” Also, recycle.
Money isn’t everything. It is more important to live frugally and be happy than to live with riches and be miserable.
there are a lot of them but the most important that I am teaching my kids is that school and learning is the most important thing in your life I even use the homeless people that we see in our area as an example. now when ever we pass them in our car my son says they didn’t do there work in school and now they sleep under a tree
One life lesson I will leave my children with is to always try your hardest. You don’t have to be perfect at everything, but if you give it your best that is good enough!
I want my children to be happy, and to know that at times you may need to do something that seems selfish at the time but you know is something right for you, ie such as breaking up with a nice person or someone that needs you. But they aren’t right for you.
I hope my kids will know to go ahead and take a chance, do things purely for the fun or adventure, travel. This is a really short life we get.
“to thine own self be true” Don’t change who you are to please someone else! If they really love you they will love you just the way you are.
Always be honest.
The most important lesson is to always been accepting and appreciate the differences between people.
There are many things I want to teach my grandchildren. One of the most important is to treat others as you would have others treat you.
The important life lesson is to treat others as they would like to be treated.
I hope to leave my child with the lesson of enjoying life and being kind, and that the rest really just doesn’t matter. We don’t care what job he has or other worldly things. We just want him to love God and as a result be joyful, loving and kind
I hope I leave him with the knowledge hat he is loved, and that he is worthy of love. He is autistic so it is hard to know sometimes what he understands.
Treat everyone with respect because you never know what people are going through.
I would hope that my children grow up to understand the importance of loyalty and being a trustworthy person. I try to lead by example. I hope I succeed.
I hope that I can impart to my children the value that free things have; a hug, a kind word and a helping hand can often mean more than something purchased at the store.
One life lesson I will leave my children with is to always be kind to others. Treat them the way you want to be treated.
One important lesson I try to teach my children is to treat others they way you want to be treated!
treat others with respect.
I am hoping to leave them with the knowledge that there are resources and to use them wisely.
the golden rule, treat others how you would like to be treated
There are consequences to your actions so hopefully they will make mindful choices in life.
One lesson that I will leave my kids is to work hard and take responsibility for their actions.
I want them to be self-aware and confident and know that they have choices. Hopefully that will be a strong base for them to choose their path in life with the reassurance that whatever they do isn’t done out of fear or self doubt.