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My kids LOVE Star Wars, I think almost every boy does! When I saw these special M&M’s with the Star Wars characters, I knew my kids were go crazy for them, especially the themed M&M’s. When I received a few of the cool Star Wars products, I thought the kids would fight on who got what, but they each took a dispenser and a pack of M&M’s and headed to their rooms to display proudly! I can tell ya, the candy didn’t last too long!
Darth Vader Dispenser With The Light Side M&M’s:
Star Wars Glass Bowl With The Dark Side M&M’s:
Star Wars Party Favor Packs and 16oz Acrylic Tub:
To celebrate Star Wars Day TODAY May 4th, MY M&M’S is unveiling “sweet” Star Wars-themed MY M&M’S chocolate candies and merchandise. Now, fans of either the dark or light side can join the chocolate ‘m’pire and display their allegiance with special blends of M&M’S with well-known Star Wars phrases and characters, like Darth Vader and Yoda.
Some of the Star Wars Themed products include:
- Star Wars M&M’S Blends – choose from three different pre-printed blends: red, gray and black dark side M&M’S, blue and white light side M&M’S or gold and silver M&M’S with the famous “May the Force Be with You” phrase
- Star Wars Character Candy Dispensers – a nostalgic old-fashioned candy dispenser that features M&M’S characters dressed as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul or Clone Troopers and comes with a one-pound bag of Star Wars blend chocolate M&M’S candies
- Star Wars Glass Bowl – display your Star Wars fandom and add to your collection with a glass bowl personalized with favorite characters and movie scenes, and a one-pound bag of official Star Wars M&M’S
- Star Wars Party Favors – celebrate May the 4th in style by giving your party guests favors they won’t forget. Choose from silver tins or pillow packs featuring Star Wars characters and logos
Stay Connected:
- Visit My M&M’s on Pinterest
- Tweet @mymmscom
Buy It:
- Visit to create your own personalized M&M’s with text and photos!
Star Wars Deal:
- Get 15% off $30 or more on Star Wars M&M’s products with the code STARWARS15. Ends 5/10/14
I remember seeing it in the 80’s and it was the best ever!
My favorite character is Princess Leia.
My sister-in-law is the biggest fan of Star Wars
My husband is the big Star Wars fan.
My oldest son loves Star Wars, his favorite character is Darth Vader!
my grandson is a huge Star Wars fan. his favorite is Luke Skywalker
My best friend is a big star wars fan.
My husband loves Star Wars. He cannot wait till my son is old enough to watch it with him (he’s currently 3 so it’ll be a little bit yet).
My son LOVES Star Wars!
I remember going to the theater with my family to see Star Wars for the first time. It was so exciting! It is one of my favorite memories of spending time with my Dad.
My 7 year old son love Star Wars and would love this candy.
i would love to win this for my sister who is a huge fan!
I was a little girl and Princess leigha was my favorite and my mom would do my hair like hers
My son Corbin, 6, is obsessed with Star Wars. Ever since he saw it for the first time, he’s constantly having pretend lightsaber battles with his siblings or by himself and that’s really all he ever wants for his birthday and Christmas!
My husband loves Stars Wars. He first saw this when it came out.
I knew nothing of Star Wars until they did all the special Pepsi/Mt Dew cans. Then I decided maybe I should go watch the movie haha
I saw it alone when it first came out in Westwood,CA. I stood in line for an hour and a half in the rain to see it. It is still my favorite movie of all time. And, they are my son’s favorite series of movies, too. He loves Star Wars and this would be for him.
I saw it for the first time at work…in a home where I was taking care of 3 children…they had it on and I saw some of it. My hubby is a way bigger fan then I am.
My husband is a huge Star Wars fan! I have watched it before with him and my 2 little ones and they all love it! DH would go crazy over this!
my son is a huge star wars fan! and he loves m&Ms this would be perfect for him!
I love star wars and my son loves the angry bird star wars game
Oh yes I grew up with Star Wars, I had 2 brothers. We were all huge fans and still are. Now all my kids so love it too!
I remember being sick the first time I saw his hand get cut off in star wars!
Son is the biggest Star Wars fan EVER!
My oldest kiddo is seven and already asks to watch Star Wars with us for family movie night.
Huge fan since little girl- Gone to all midnight showings!
My favorite character is Yoda!
OMG, I can’t remember when I watched Star Wars for the first time, the first time around. However, when it resurfaced in the 90’s I watched it with my future husband in the theater. It was awesome! My son would have to be the biggest fan in the household. It was a scouting adventure when we saw it together in the theaters. My favorite character would have to be R2T2 or 3CPO.
actually i have never watched it. But, my best friend tries to get me to watch it with her every year. She is obsessed! This would be perfect for her.
Watched it when it first originally came out w/my parents and sister. I loved Chewbacca and R2D2.
I remember when it first came to the screens! I must have seen it about 6 times. My group of friends loved it so we kept going!
My favorite story is watching the second original movie with my family at the drive in!
Oh this is a good one…my hubby is the big Star Wars fan around here. My daughter got a Star Wars pen in a box of cereal. My hubby was SO disappointed that he didn’t get it. Then he got one at work and was so proud of it and I accidentally washed and ruined it. lol Needless to say he’d love this prize.
I watched Star Wars back in 1977 for the first time. My kids got me to watch the rest of them.Now we are big fans.
I was about 12 when Star Wars came out, so I saw it way back when (1977)–and loved it! I remember thinking ‘What does Star Wars mean?’ I had no clue, lol. Everyone wondered what this movie was about.
My husband is the huge fan at our house. I love Yoda.
My son loves Star Wars and his favorite character is Darth Vader.
my sister and cousin are huge fans. of the movies and M&Ms lol. theyve loved them for many years
I don’t remember when I got into Star Wars. I remember being about gosh 7 or 8 and my sister’s and I had like almost all of those Star Wars bubble gum trading cards!
my daughter is a huge star wars fan. her favorite character is boba fett
i’m the big fan around here, always like han solo.
My husband and I are die hard Star Wars fans. I remember having R2-D2 Underoos!
I saw the Star Wars movies when they came out (the original ones.) I like them, but my grandson and son-ion-law are REALLY Star Wars fans. They even have Star Wars Christmas ornaments.
My brother is 12 years younger than I am and 14 years younger than our sister. When my brother was about 6 we were watching one of the Star Wars movies and he decided he didn’t like it so he got up said “I’m not a Star Wars kinda kid” before he walked out of the room.
My dad loves Star Wars. I remember him and my sister and brother watching them as I grew up. He would just LOVE this.
I watched Star Wars for the first time when I was 10 years old in 1977. My brother was 11. He is the big Star Wars fan! I would like to win the bowl for him! To surprise him with! That year he had a Star Wars electric toothbrush, Star Wars curtains in his bedroom, Star Wars towel, Star Wars Sheets, and most of the Star Wars toys and action figures. My favorite character was Princess Leah! My brother Sam collected all the Star Wars cards too, and stihas them!ll
I like Yoda and C3P0
My fiance is the biggest Star Wars nerd, but I’v never seen the movies.
i went seen the empire strikes back when i was a little girl with my dad ,whos now passed but was a huge stars wars fan,and my favorite character was luke skywalker
I can tell you that I’m not a HUGE star wars fan. My husband, on the other hand, is the biggest. The first time I saw it we were watching tv and it came on. Naturally he was so excited. I told him I haven’t seen it before. He was shocked. I enjoyed it through 🙂
My husband and daughter love Star Wars all the movies.
My son is obsessed with Star Wars and collects all the action figures.
my favorite star wars character is boba fett. I always wanted to be a bounty hunter as a kid.
I love the Ewoks! I also had a huge crush on Luke Skywalker when I was a kid.
I am a fan, and I once won a life size Yoda statue in a sweepstakes.
My family has always been star wars fans. As a matter of fact, my grandson is named Luke Skylar…after Luke Skywalker.
My grandson loves Star Wars and I would be his “hero” if I could give him a gift like this. lol I love him!
My brothers and I are big Star Wars fans.
I have a 15yrld niece that has been getting teased alot lately For not seeing any of the Star Wars films.By Some of her much older cousins. One Being an extreme Star wars fanatic to the point that his 6 month old sons nursery is themed with Star Wars. Even with decals on the wall and clothing.
I remember seeing the first episode when I was 12.At least when the youth of today watch all the episodes.They can watch them all in the correct sequence.
I remembered when I was about 9 watching Star Wars for the first I love Yoda. My cousin loves Angry Birds Star Wars.
I’m not too big into Star Wars but my nephew loves the movies and legos! I would love to win this for him!
I grew up in a sci-fi house: my Dad was a Trekkie but he loved Star Wars too, and my older brother was (and remains) all about Star Wars. I don’t remember when I saw the original trilogy for the first time, but I have seen it dozens of times. The newer ones not so much. I married a Star Wars fanatic, so we have lots of Star Wars memorabilia around the house (including other M&M Star Wars stuff).
My favorite character is Han Solo. Such swager and confidence ~ he’s my favorite.
My husband is a huge Star Wars fan. I just roll my eyes when he watches it.
I watched it with my brother when i was little
I don’t remember the first time I watch but I have loved the movies ever seen the movies. I am a huge fan of Starwars!!!
We recently introduced Star Wars to my 5 year old son and he is now a fanatic! He loves the movies and we got the Lego Star Wars for wii and now that is his favorite game.
i remember the long lines i spent 6 hours in line and the movie had been out for over a month and as i was waiting i remember talking to the other people in line and it was their third time to watch the movie and by the time i got to see it i knew the whole movie because the people in line talked about it sceen by sceen
The first time I saw Star Wars with My oldest brother who was home visited on leave and we saw the movie in an IMAX theater. It was really cool.
One of the few cherished memories I have of my family when I was young was Star Wars. We went to a movie theater far away and waited in line that went outside and around the building. It was amazing, we all enjoyed it. Then we went to Burger King as a treat and got dinner and we had souvenir Star Wars glasses to take home.
I first saw Star Wars in the theater when I was 8 years old. I fell in love with Harrison Ford and still love him today!!
My nephew is obsessed with Star Wars! He would love this.
The first time I watched Star Wars, I was about 10 years old. Yoda was my favorite character – and still is to this day. Now, my nephew is a huge Star Wars fan & Darth Vader is his absolute favorite 🙂
my husband and kids are big fans
i went to see the movie in 77 before it blew up…went with my family and had an argument on which movie to see smokey and the bandit or star wars…i won
after all these years i figured out the movie is a on purpose re-write of the series lost in space right down to the music
I saw star wars for the 1st time when I was in 6th grade at a drive in movie theater. My favorite character has always been R2D2
my son is a big anything that has to do with star wars.
I am a big fan and now so is my nephew
I was a big star wars fan growing up with love for yoda, and I think it’s great that come out every so many years for another generation to get involved with the series.
Saw it in San Francisco, one of the first theaters with thx sound.The line was as long in the 70’s as they are today.
The first time I watched it my brother in law was watching it and I could not believe the ears on Spock!
I was probably 5 when I first saw Star Wars. C3-PO is probably my favorite character (so what?). My husband is a die hard fan. I mean, completely obsessed. This would be for him if I actually won.
I have had a thing for Han Solo from my very first viewing. If you think about it Han is very much the bad guy who changes over time with his experiences with the Rebels and he ends up with the girl. Also if I needed to be rescued Han and Chewie all the way, they fly by the seat of their pants.
The first time I saw Star Wars was in the 1970’s and I stood in line for hours to buy tickets to see an evening show and it was the most amazing thing because it was unlike any previous science fiction I had seen. Luke Skywalker was a heartthrob and Han Solo was the bad boy.
It is amazing to me that over 30 years later and it is still popular with new generations.
Both my kids and husband LOVE Star Wars. They’ve been watching for years and are huge fans. They love Yoda.
I have two big fans, my two grandchildren are big Star War fans!!!
My nephew is the biggest stars wars fan i know, he loves watching the movies and quoting different parts
the late 70s darth vader
I watched Star Wars for the first time at home on a VCR. I don’t remember what age I was. My favorite character was Chewy and still is. My husband and sons are huge Star Wars fans.
I saw Empire Strikes Back in the theater when I was 3. My mom says I sat there stunned and didn’t even want any popcorn because I might miss something. I have been a huge Star Wars nerd ever since.
I’m the huge Star Wars fan in the family. I started watching the movies when I was a little girl, and it kind of spiraled from there. My favorite would have to be Yoda because he’s very wise.
Our two grandsons are both big star wars fans.
I remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater as a kid and was a huge fun
I have watched from the very beginning and still find myself excited every time I watch a video from the first movie ever made through the newer ones. I am a fan and love to get lost in the adventure saga. I have a few collectables that are very specific to my favorite character, Chewy!
This is quite possible the coolest way to consume M&M’s that I have seen.
I have three boys that are star wars fans.
My favorite character is C3PO.
My son is a Star Wars fan. My favorite character is Yoda.
My grandkids are big Star War fans. They even have legos of the star war crew.
I LOVE Star Wars my dad and I watched the older movies when I was only 6. We watch them all the time now because its probably one of my favorite movie series. R2D2 is my favorite character, I actually dressed up as R2 for Halloween one year.
My first time watching Star Wars Phantom Menace was in 2007 when Queen Padmé Amidala first met Anikan Skywalker. My favorite character in that series was Jar-Jar Binks. I got a kick out of the way he spoke throughout the movie. My son, LOVES Star Wars. We have all 6 movies on DVDs. His grandma bought them for him in 2007. He was so happy to watch the movies together with me. I’m glad I watched it. I didn’t think I was going to like it at first, but after watching all of them, one after the other, I loved it! Out of all of them, my favorite was the Phantom Menace. However, growing up, before movie 1, 2, & 3 came out; in the 80’s I watch Ewok, and in that movie, my favorites were the Ewoks. I even had a bear as a little girl. So glad my mom bought it for me. 🙂 I hope soon, my son will be able to watch Ewok. I really do hope they remake that film so children can enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂
first saw star wars over 30 years ago fav. star wars charactor is luke skywalker and i am the biggest star wars fan in the house
My hubby is a big star wars fan, he has most of an entire sleeve and half his chest in star wars tattoos!
I first saw them on vhs with the neighbor boys :0) Since I was the only girl in the neighborhood I always ended up playing Leia.
I saw when it first came out in a walk in theater , my favorite character is Darth Vader , and I’m the Star Wars fan in the family.
I remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back in the theater during its initial release with my mom and two sisters. Hah… I don’t think she was all that into the movie. I enjoyed it.
saw it at a drive in with my family the summer it first came out
My brother LOVED Star Wars and it would always be playing on the tv and when I was a kid I always thought Yoda was funny and had a huge crush on Luke. Now I think Han Solo (Harrison Ford) was the funniest (and cutest) of the bunch, so he’s my favorite, lol.
My son likes star wars, he has lego minis of them.
I’m a big fan
I LOVE watching the star wars movies with my sons. They did SO excited every time!
My oldest som like Star Wars & collects Angry Birds Star Wars.
I am a huge Star Wars fan, and I like Yoda!
Thank You
I was young & I don’t remember much but R2D2 and that gold robot man. Ask my husband and he would give you a paragraph!
The first time I saw Star Wars with my step dad. I loved Yoda.
I have 3 brothers who are Star Wars fans. My older brother had all the toys. Now I have a husband and 2 sons who are fans.
I have been really enjoying watching Star Wars the Clone Wars on Netflix with my two boys.
I’ve never watched Star Wars. I find the “Do or Do Not. There is no Try.” quote annoying, as in computer troubleshooting there’s a lot of try this, then if it doesn’t work, try that in attempting to solve a problem.
Ive seen it the first time many years ago.. I am a Chewbacca fan and my son is a hugh star wars fan.
My dad took me to see this when it first came out!
My son is a huge Star Wars fan! He loves Luck Skywalker.
My grandson loves watching the Star Wars movies over and over. He would love it if I surprised him with the prize.
I started watching Stars Wars as a child with my family. We even went to the theater to see the newer ones when they came out. I always loved Padme. My kids have been trained to march every time the darth vader march comes on, and it gets them to march to bed happily. We are HUGE fans in our house
My husband and I are huge Star Wars fans so for our son’s first Halloween, he was Yoda, I, Princess Leia, and my hubby was Hans Solo!
I finally watched Star Wars after my brothers and his friends become obsessed with it. Ok, just maybe they were right this time.
I have a house full of STAR WARS fans who are also M&M lovers…perfect prize
I first watched it in high school and though it was an amazing movie. My favorite character is princess Leah
I remember watching all 3 of the original films on VHS, but the one I loved most was Return of the Jedi, which I saw twice in the theater, and I also dressed up as Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight! Was good for a couple of Halloweens!
I cant remember the first time I watched it. Luke skywalker is my favorite character. I always had a crush on him
My boyfriend is a HUGE star wars freak and he would be so happy if I won this! Hes made me watch ever star wars movie like a hundred times
Our Star Wars fan is my son in law and since he has been in the family he has educated us all whether we want to be or not. 🙂
My son has been a star wars fan forever!!!!! He still has some of his orginal figures even though he now is a father himself.
I don’t actually remember my first time watching Star Wars, but watching my kids watch it has been a lot of fun. The Ewoks and Yoda are my favorite characters, unless we’re talking about target practice.
I first saw it when I was a kid and I remember everyone was seeing it over and over again, it became a competition, who had seen it the most times. My favorite character is Chewbacca. I have two boys that are total Star Wars Geeks.
Going to the movies was a treat when I was younger. I remember the line being so long to see this. I wanted to be princess laya sooo bad.
I had never seen Star Wars until I met my husband! I have seen them all now :)! I love Star Wars because it’s one of my husbands favorite movies!
My favorite part of the entire saga has to be the closing of episode VI Return of the Jedi. The conclusion of the movie is just a perfect ending to the entire saga. Between Vader’s redemption, the celebration of the rebels victory, and the overall optimistic feelings for their future fans take a front row seat view into the captivating world made entirely from the extraordinary mind of George Lucas. I grew up with Star Wars, and am so happy that my daughter is now into it. She is reading all of the books and is constantly telling her mother, brother and I about all the things she is reading. To see her passion and interest in the same films that I grew up with as a boy brings back great memories, and is a great bonding experience for her and I to talk about. For her birthday (which was May 1) we bought her a Jedi costume and she is now sitting on the couch next to me fully dressed in her “tunic and robe” as “Jaina Solo Fel”. I am entering on her behalf.
I’m a huge Star Wars fan bigger then my boyfriend.I’ve seen it so many times I’ll say things along with the movie. Lol
I saw Star Wars with my buddies I liked Han Solo and Chewbacca My wife was into Star Trek on TV
When the kids came along they were to small to really understand but after they were older rented the first three and they liked it Ten when my first granddaughter was born when she was about 4 she had long hair so we dressed her up as Princess Leia for Halloween she has been my Star Wars buddy ever since
I saw the original Star Wars movie as a teenager, in the theater with a group of kids I was helping to chaperone. The cutest little boy was sitting next to me, and I’ll never forget how he kept looking up at me with awe in his face. We were all pretty awed by the special effects–there was nothing like it at the time.
My husband is a big big big Star wars fan. Not surprisingly he is a computer guy!
(this is my third attempt to submit this, even though I an doing the Captcha right, after this attempt I’ll just give up)
First date with the hubby was a Star Wars movie!
My husband is a huge fan of Star Wars
I had never seen Star Wars, was talking to a family friend and he insisted that I watch them so he drove 2 hours (one way) to my house a couple saturdays in a row to make sure I watched them. We have been together for 6 years now! So I guess you could say I owe my relationship and youngest son to Star Wars!
My Star Wars story involves my husband. He’s a big fan and every year on Star Wars day he says, “I refuse to celebrate on May 4th. The real Star Wars Day should be May 25th, in honor of when it opened back in 1977.” Yes, he was first in line.
I grew up with Star Wars and I love it..still a fan ..and happy to share my love of Star Wars with my young 10 year old son
When I was a kid, I loved Star Wars. I took my son to see Star Wars and he became a fan. I have also took my grandson see Star Wars also. Now we are a family of three generations of star Wars fans.
My friend’s little brother dressed as Star Wars characters for Halloween for 3 years in a row.
I watched Star Wars for the first time about 2 years ago (I know… shame on me.. I’m 31). I am a fan of Luke Skywalker and my son and husband are big fans of the movies.
I can not honestly remember the first time I seen this but I have watched their movies for years, lol. I would say that I am a bigger fan of M & M’s! lol
i watch star wars the v first one in 1977 loved luke
I have watched Star Wars so many times growing up in the 1980’s. I learned to love all the characters, especially R2D2 and the Ewoks. I still have a few stuffed animals of them.
All my boys are huge Star Wars fans. They love Yoda and Chewbacca the best.
My husband is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and this prize would make him very happy.
GREAT, creative giveaway. Thanks!
I have always had super long hair so of course growing up in the 80’s I was always princess Leia for like 3-4 years lol Now I have 4 daughters all with super long hair and yup they too are her for Halloween!
The only Star Wars movie I saw was “Phantom Menace” I won a chance to go to the brand new cinema with a local radio station. I’m a much bigger fan of M&Ms than of Star Wars movies! LOL
oh, we also have a couple Star Wars figures that are collectibles–they’ve never been out of the box.
My good friend Whitney is an amazing Star Wars fan. Now her two kids are too and I love it.
I never watched any of the Star Wars movies until they re released them in the theaters some years back, I was never interested in it. My husband is a big Star Wars fan, he has watched them all more times than I can count. He talked me into watching them and took me to the local theater to see the first three, I liked them. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
Saw my first star wars the original on vacation in 1977 summer in upper michigan loved it ever since.
My fave Star Wars memory was dressing up as Princess Leia as a little girl, and having a stuffed R2D2
I was about 15 years old the first time I saw the old Star Wars movies. I fell asleep watching them because my boyfriend at the time wanted to watch them all in one day!
My son is the biggest Star Wars fan in our house… May the Fourth is like a national holiday for him 😀
My husband is a HUGE Star Wars fan and is pulling my 10-year old son into the fan base quickly.
My husband Keith is a very big Star Wars Fan. He has
Star Wars items in his den. He would love this candy dish
and candy. Very neat and cute item for Star Wars fans.
My son is a huge fan. He has over 20 of the large Lego sets. The only large one he has left is the Death Star.
My dad bought me the original trilogy when I was about 7 years old. It became something we shared together, and he was thrilled that I became so quickly obsessed with them. Often times, sick days from school became Star Wars days…and that is true even now! I have since passed on my love of Star Wars to my daughter and can’t believe that she has come to love them as much as I do! She is currently 9 years old and carries an R2D2 lunch box to school with her every day. I can’t wait until the day that my 2 year old son is old enjoy them with us. I still have the original VHS tapes from my dad, and those are what we watch whenever the mood strikes. My R2D2 phone case is dirty, cracked and broken in many places, but I can’t bring myself to replace it with the new one my cousin gave me because it’s just so cool and I get so many compliments on it. I thoroughly enjoy being one of the only females that I know who loves this franchise.
I watched it when it first came out, I could not and still cannot watch the beginning of it, because it makes me feel a little nauseous lol. I get car sick, seeing those stars go by is too much ha. my biggest star wars fan is my grandson, beau. Thank you. Vicki
I first watched Star Wars when I was 10 years old in the only movie theater we had in our small town of Camden, Arkansas. I was blown away! I had a huge crush on Harrison Ford after that – so, Han Solo was my favorite. I would have to say my younger brother (12 years younger) and I are the Star Wars geeks. He still has all of his action figures and, I believe, the Millinneum Falcon Lego model. What can I say? We love our Star Wars! May the 4th Be With You!
I think Yoda is probably my favorite character. I’ve always thought that he was kinda cute!
We all love Yoda – the kids like the newer Star Wars compared to the older ones but I love them all.
My mother loves the movies I have never seen them. My nine year old son watches them with her all the time though. It is kind of their thing!
I do not like Star Wars at all . I am entering for my daughter who is a fan =)
I am a fan of the original trilogy, but my son loves Star Wars and gas watched every single one of the films, including the cartoons. He has quite a collection of the Star Wars toys too!
Oddly enough, the first time I ever saw Star Wars (this was the original movie!) it was in French! My high school French teacher got a copy of the movie on video that was dubbed over in French. I will never forget that!
I went with my friends in Junior High to see the original
I watched the first one when it came out. My adult son tho, is a huge fan, and has seen them all. I love R2D2, I mean who doesn’t??
Well the first time I’ve seen it was when I was little and we watched all three movies at once. I had no idea what was going on and though I did think Luke was cute and should end up with Lila until I learned they were brother and sister.
I love star wars I have to say my son loves them more then me and i didnt think that was possible
I still remember the entire family getting together to watch the original Star Wars VHS tapes back in the early 80’s on our top loading VHS player. 🙂
I saw “Return of the Jedi” as my 1st Star Wars movie. Newly divorced I was on a 1st date, a double date. None of us had heard of the movie. It took me a few years to fully appreciate Star Wars.
I hate to admit this but I have never watched Star Wars. I am trying to win this for my husband.
I think the first time i watched anything star wars i was 8 or 9 and watched ewok adventure or something at my babysitters house. all the kids were entranced by it so they started putting on the videos in the afternoon quiet time. then they took us to the movie theater to watch episode 1 and got the collector’s cups! jar jar is my fav 🙂
My husband is a huge Star Wars Fan! I like Yoda.
My boyfriend is a huge Star Wars fan!
I was a child when I watched it but now that I have a son who loves it…we watch it very often. He wears costumes and has light saber battles.
I saw iyt when it came out and loved it then and love it now
I remember watching it as a kid when it first came out. I loved the Ewoks!
i love luke and i watched it when i was little.
I dont remember the first time but it was when i was probably 5-7. My dad is a huge fan! And so are alot of my friends! I’m not a big fan but i do like them!
I love starwars and M&Ms
My brother & I were at our Dad’s after our parents recent divorce when we first saw it. I related to Luke Skywalker,he was the man !
We are huge Star Wars fans in my house! We have little gumball machines of Yoda and Darth. My kids love them. My favorite character is Princess Leia of course. Thanks for the chance!
my grandson loves starwars gle1
I’m entering for my brother-in-law. He’s a sci-fi writer and he LIVES the Star War series from the very beginning.
Watched it when I was young and I just loved R2D2 that movie brings back alot of memories of my brother playing with all his Star Wars figures.
My husband is the big star wars fan!! He would love to have this!!
My son is a HUGE Star Wars fan. He has all kinds of Star Wars products. He dressed up as Luke Skywalker to go to the Disney World Halloween Party this year. He is all about Star Wars.
My first time watching Star Wars was at a childhood friend’s house. Her brothers were having a Star Wars marathon & I just happen to be over. We all sat around watching 🙂
I havn’t seen star wars in so long I remember watching it with my dad when i was a kid…
I watched them when they 1st came out, and Wookies are my favorite! Thanks
I’d say my hubby were a pretty big Star Wars fan. We named our middle child (his first born son) Cade after Cade Skywalker from the Star Wars Legacy Comics! <3
I can remember watching Star Wars at the drive in movie theater when I was young and to see my son, who is now 16 love Star Wars as well is awesome! He is an avid fan and has been since he was about 5. He had a huge collection of Star Wars figurines, puzzles, Legos and all sorts of related items that he lost in a house fire 2 years ago. He is trying to rebuild his collection but it is tough to replace some of the things he lost. He would absolutely love this giveaway prize! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Our sons; who are 22 and 25, along with their
dad, are huge fans of Star Wars…
They admire Yoda, Luke Skywalker and Anakin
Skywalker before he turned to the dark side!
I like the character Natalie Portman played:
Padmé Amidala.
Thanks for the fabulous, fun giveaway!
Star Wars had been out for about a monthin 1977 when my cousin Todd came down from Pennsylvania. We waited on line for a good two hours just to get tickets(they were $4.50) I was BLOWN AWAY! I have been a Star Wars Fanatic ever since! I will be Darth Vader for Comic Con this year!
I must have been in the 4th grade the first time I saw Star Wars. After that, I started collecting all of the trading cards. I went through tons of gum doing that.
My children are big Star Wars fans! They love Luke Skywalker.
I seen it a very long time as a child and would like to watch it again with my own children. If i win it will be a birthday present for a friend who is a Star Wars fanatic!
my boys love Star Wars. we enjoy watching the movies together, reading the books and playing with lightsabers outside.
I’ve actually never seen Star Wars lol. I’m entering because a friend of mine would love this!
I remember going to see the original Star Wars movie back in the 70’s. I was about 6 years old and it was pouring rain. We went to an evening showing and I slept through half of it! I guess I didn’t find it very compelling then…. lol.
Both my grown children are Star Wars fans, and have been ever since I took them to see the first Star Wars movie in our local theater. This was before the days of malls and metroplexes, in an old downtown theater. Having little money, I made tie-dyed costumes from old white sheets for them that Halloween, Luke and Princess Leah. My favorite character is Spock, because he has more common sense than any of them.
I don’t even remember the first time I watched Star Wars. My favorite character is Chewbacca. We are all Star Wars fans especially my 6 year old.
I never watched Star Wars until I met my husband, he was a huge Star Wars fan and I thought he was a nerd. Well, 15 years later, here I am the Star Wars nerd! We have 3 boys and they all love Star Wars too! For Halloween, they have been Darth Vader and several different Clone Troopers. We all even said happy Star Wars day this morning right when we got up!
I was in high school when the first Star Wars was released and wasn’t into science fiction films but my best friend was, so a group of us went. I enjoyed the movie and the many that followed. My hubby is a huge Star Wars fan, so even though I could take it or leave it, I’m right by his side watching them over and over, lol! 🙂
I don’t remember the first time I watched Star Wars but I do remember it being at m parents home probably on cable
I remember loving the way the words were running on the screen. My favorite character was Luke Skywalker
My husband is a big star wars nerd, he got all 3 of our kids light sabers and we even own one of the movies on lazer disc.
I saw the original Star Wars with my family and the neighbors across the street, then all of us went to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. I remember how much I loved that day.
My favorite star wars is the battle for endor. I love the ewoks because they are so cute. I always wanted one of my own. I haven’t kept up with the later star wars movies.
I watched Star Wards with my dad as a kid. Then we watched them all in school. Soon I was hooked and would watch all the reruns. I like several of the characters. I guess the princess was my favorite, or R2D2.
My oldest son introduced me to Star Wars after he had seen it. I’ve been a fan ever since, but not as much of one as he is.
My grandson likes star wars!!!
I have watched all of the Star Wars movies,and loved everyone of them.I just love Luke Skywalker!
I am being introduced to Star Wars through the t.v. show The Big Bang Theory. The geeks are such big fans..I’m learning a lot about Star Wars from them.
I remember watching Return of the Jedi in the theater as a kid and was a huge fun! Our son is now a huge fan 🙂
I don’t remember the first time I watched Star Wars, but I do know that I fell in love with them when I did. I have expanded my love into the books since published, but not to the ‘first’ 3 movies, Episodes 1-3… just can’t get into them lol. However, my favorite books are the X-Wing series.
I remember seeing when it 1st came out in the theater, I had the BIGGEST crush on Mark Hamill. My son is TOTALLY into STAR WARS. I was a bit confused that the 1st ONE to me is actually the 4th =/
My dad took us all to the theater to see all three of the Star Wars films when they came out.
My son Jake used to be a huge Star Wars fan, he played with light sabers, action figures, and everything. Our dog’s name was supposed to be Asajj (after a character), but Jake had trouble saying it so it’s Asia.
My earliest Star Wars memory was when Empire came out. My mom took me and my sister to go see it. After that, I was hooked. I had to watch every movie. I AM the huge fan in my house. I even was Yoda for Halloween that year.
My wife is a huge Star Wars fan. I like the movies but I’m not a die hard fan like her. Her favorite character is Darth Vader and now my 8 year old daughter is into the movies as well. We have Star Wars ornaments on our Christmas tree and there are little Darth Vader things all over our house!
I first watched the original Star Wars trilogy when I was seven. I didn’t understand everything that was going on, but I was in awe of the groundbreaking special effects (for the time) and characters. My favorite has always been R2-D2, even though some people say he doesn’t count, since he is a machine. Well, that little machine has more personality than a lot of humans, so he totally counts!
i was 9 yrs old. i watched the empire strikes back with my uncle. i loved it! He already had a starwars figure collection and ill never forget the day he bought me my first one. an R2D2 figure that i still have today along with others.
I first watched it with my 3 kids not that long ago. They are die hard Star Wars fans!!
I love Star Wars movies!
My husband introduced the majority of the films to me, but I always loved the Ewoks!
I did not see the original Star Wars until 1 year after it came out. After that, I saw every one on opening night. My kids love Star Wars and my grown son still has a nice collection of Star Wars items.
I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies! I do know some huge fans though.
I drive my entire family NUTS with my Star Wars Fandom! From camping out and dressing up for all 3 prequels, to the wide variety of Star Wars items around the house (including my interactive R2D2 that roams freely!)
The whole family are Star War fans. We have all the movies, and large collection of Star Wars keepsakes. Would love to add some new things to it!
My kids is a big star wars fan.
My son is a huge Star Wars fan! He watched it so much as a kid. I couldn’t tell you how many light sabers I bought.
I watched it when it first came to the theaters, my favorite is Luke Skywalker
My Son is a huge star wars fan. WHen he was twelve he refused to get a haircut because he wanted to look like Luke Skywalker.
I saw Star Wars as a 4 yr old at a drive-inn theater….. i remember the cool plastic cups more then seeing the movie then. Really cool cups.
I watched it when it came out. I had a cousin who had a rare cancer but his love was StarWars. He had everything they had out at the time. He is the reason I liked it so much.