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Scouting has been a part of our lives for years now. My oldest son has been in the scouts for 9 years now, he is currently working on earning this Eagle Scout rank, which is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting. My middle son was in Scouts for one year, but we quickly knew that all the outdoorsy activities would put a kibosh on that real quick. And sure enough, while he did enjoy the other activities and get-togethers, scouts was just not for him. And lastly, this will make the second year for my youngest son. He is like his older brother where he just loves all the camping and activities they do.
Over the summer both of my boys enjoyed fun activities. My oldest, who is the Boy Scouts went on several weekend getaways with members of his troop along with the all time favorite (for both kids and parents alike!) a week away at summer camp. My youngest attended day camp for a week and while coming home tired and worn out loved spending the day outside working on fun activities for their badges like archery.
Sign ups for scouts are starting now. Starting in first-grade kids can join the Cub Scouts. In the fifth grade, there is a large ceremony where the kids “cross over” to Boy Scouts. This is an exciting time for the kids and they enjoy this rite of passage in scouts.
“Through the Build an Adventure campaign, we are demonstrating that choosing to put a child in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts today is part of the foundation that can help him reach his full potential and become a successful adult. Scouting truly makes the most of the little time parents have to make a positive impact on their children.” – BSA
The Boy Scouts of America provides youth with programs and activities that allow them to try new things, provide service to others, build self-confidence and reinforce ethical standards. While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community. Find a troop near you and build your child’s adventure!
Stay Connected:
- BSA on Facebook
- BSA Twitter: @BoyScouts
Disclosure: I participate in this program on behalf of The Boy Scouts of America and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.
Great program! My oldest achieved Eagle Scout the summer after 9th grade and my youngest had his eagle ceremony this past spring and is a sophomore in High school. It is a great deal of work and a family commitment that I feel strongly about. Summer camp is the best place to get those achievements done. My oldest did a trip to Yellowstone and they both went to jamboree in Gettysburg and loved it! Good luck and hope to hear about your Eagle Scout soon! Beth