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Do you save Box Tops for your child’s school? Well now would be a good time to start your collecting, specially marked boxes will have 4 Box Tops, instead of the normal 1! I stopped by Walmart last week while getting school supplies and found several displays with specially marked boxes like this one with fruit chews. Make sure to look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios, Hamburger Helper, and Kleenex, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and send them to your school’s Box Tops coordinator —- each one is worth 10¢ for your school. The savings do add up!
- Look for the Box Tops display at your local Walmart to earn 4 Box Tops on more than 100 of your family’s favorite items including Cheerios, Hamburger Helper, Nature Valley, and Totinos.
- Like Walmart on Facebook, you can earn more Box Tops from General Mills!
- Check out the Box Tops For Education website to learn more about the Box Tops Program and how you can help your school reach its goal for the 2012-2013 school year.
I don’t currently collect box tops.
I save Boxtops and donate them to a school where I taught. They do run school promotions to gather Boxtops.
I don’t have a kid, so I don’t collect Box Tops.
Yes, we collect box tops here!
Thanks for the giveaway!! =)
I do not collect, but I want to start.
I collect for a friend
Yes, I collect box tops for my nephew’s school. The student with the most box tops gets a prize.
yes we do collect them for our school,it helps them get equipment !!!
I collect box tops for the classrooms.
I have no school-age childres, so I don’t collect the boxtops and I don’t know about local schools’ collection promotions.
I do collect Box Tops and share with my Son’s Girlfriend for her school!
Yes, we do collect them to turn into the school. The most recent contest was the class with the most brought in got Popsicles and the teacher got a free lunch.
i collect them for our school, usually with printouts for the kids to glue them onto. i did try one contest
I do collect them, but I don’t know of any contests for our school to motivate parents to keep them!
I have begun collecting them for my granddaughter’s school. I don’t know if they have any special events regarding them.
I always clip the BoxTops…and my MIL does for us, too! We just moved to a new school district, and I know they collect them but don’t know what they do for incentives!
Yes I collect box tops for products I use.
And our schools do not have any contests.
Thank you.
i do try to save all year. i will sometimes slack off but i have a 10 year old who keeps me in line!!! my school usually doesnt do any contest…although they should!!
My school does collect them. I save them for my niece to bring in to class because whoever brings in the most (class wise) they will get to have a pizza party.. My kids are in high school now so they do not have anything like that anymore but even if my niece was not doing it i would still send them into the school. Thanks
My granddaughter starts school this year, I am interested in learning more about this program.
I used to collect box tops, but don’t any more 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I don’t collect them
my children school does not collect but I collect them for my little sister’s kids school. I do not know if they held contest to promote it – – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
I do collect box tops and I am not aware of our school district running any contests to motivate parents to turn them in.
Tell me if you collect box tops and if your school runs any contests to motivate parents to turn them in.
mom collect them and gives them to a school
We do collect and turn in a lot of Box Tops for our son’s school. They don’t run contest but do send home reminders of how helpful they are to the school.
I collect and save them for my neighbor.
I collect them for school
I run classroom contests every other month or so. The kids love them!
yes we do save then and our school does participate 🙂
I try to remember but I don’t always. A contest might help motivate me to remember
Oh yes, I do save them, for a little local school near me! It is a little private school “that can”… LOL. They are amazing for such a small place. I help them out anyway I can. They do have little contests for the classes, give out prizes like Ice cream and movie day for the class that brings in the most boxtops/labels and things.
I don’t save as much as I should to be honest. I do not know if my kiddos school does any incentive programs in order to motivate kids and parents to participate. Sounds like a good idea though
yes, I collect them and there are some events for motivation at my son’s school
We don’t collect them and there’s no program for that at our school.
I don’t collect them & not sure if any schools around here participate or not.
Yes i collect them for my niece and she takes them to her school, she gets so proud! I don’t know if there are any contests are her school but she always gets excited when she has some to bring.
I collect them and turn them in when I remember..our school has never run any contests that I know of to get parents to participate more.. that’s a good idea
I collect the points and give them to my sons school!
I collect them but the school doesn’t run any contest as far as I know
I collect them but the school doesn’t have any contests for the box tops
Yes, I have collected them for years.
I’ve recently started, as my son’s school does offer rewards for the class with the most box tops. They get a special pizza party every semester
they do and I think it is wonderful!
Yes I collect them for my children’s school. My childrens school does hold many contests for these.
I collect them but I’m unaware of any schools really collecting them.
I do not collect box tops. Schools here do not collect them much.
i save them
yes i collect but the school doesnt do contests
Yes–i save them for my kids’ school 🙂
I do not collect yet, but will start now!
i do collect them, the school collects them but doesn’t hold contests, we should though!
i dont but i would donate them to someone who does
Yes I do and the class that brings in the most has a party.
I collect BTFES for our school, no contests though.
I collect box tops. My son’s school doesn’t run any contests