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Avokiddo Emotions – Playful learning for kids By Avokiddo E. Katsantonis & sia e.e.
Avokiddo Emotions app is a fun way for your kids to learning about emotions by dressing up, feeding, sharing toys and interacting with a crazy cast of characters.
To start you need to pick your character, there are three animal characters to choose from: zebra, sheep or a giraffe. FYI, the theme to the app is quite catchy…you will find yourself humming it when you least expect it! After picking a character, several objects fall from above like toys, everyday objects, foods, and items to dress up the animals. There are over 100 different objects to interact with. When you are finished with those objects or are in the mood for more, just pull the lever for a new set to appear. Some of the costumes even make the background change. When you put on the afro-wig, a disco background appears or sucking on the pacifier turns the screen into a nighttime background with a lullaby song and the animals go to sleep.
My son, who is six has played this game several times already. He thinks it fun to see what the animals will do and how they interact with the different objects. I think this is a fun app that will definitely keep the kids entertained.
- unlimited combinations of hats, glasses, and clothing to try on the animals make for hours of repeat play
- a wide variety of toys, musical instruments, food, and slurp-worthy drinks
- dozens of richly nuanced reactions and complex emotions expressed through body language
- lively music and authentic sound effects
- special accessories trigger themed backgrounds and laugh out loud movements
- language-neutral interface without the need for verbal or written directions
Educational Benefits:
- encourage imagination and creative expression through unfettered opportunities for pretend play
- practice following directions and answering simple “Wh” questions related to the animals’ responses
- inspire curiosity as youngsters explore cause and effect relationships
- build language as parents help children put names to the many emotions and physical reactions displayed
- develop empathy by connecting the animals’ emotions both positive and negative to their causes
- make predictions based on how the animals will respond to various stimuli
Stay Connected:
- Visit the Avokiddo Website to see other apps
She would love the Avokiddo Emotions. Thanks for having this contest.
Until your review I never heard of Avokiddo, but now I am glad I have. Thank you. I think my kids will really enjoy it!
I think my daughter would loves this. She likes animals and the different noises they make.
Their kids inspire and guide them in the game creation process.
I learned Avokido Emotions teaches children about emotions 🙂
I love the Avokiddo Emotions game, my little would have so much fun creating new characters.
I like the Avokiddo Emotions game.
As electronics become a larger part of our kids lives, its important that education keeps up with the trend as well. With the Avokiddo Emotions App kids can learn and have fun with their electronic toys.
I love the games and they learn things too
Imagination is so important. A poll says the younger generation is lacking in imagination. I love all the great graphics and learning fun!
I learned they do not collect, store, or share any personal information or location data. Neither our free or paid apps have advertisements, in-app purchases, or hidden tracking software. I like that- so many apps and games collect data nowdays!
I love the free style playroom design of Avokiddo. What a great way to get kids to explore different emotions and understand how emotions shape social skills. I’m a big advocate of playful learning, especially when the games are designed with these important issues at heart!
My kids are always looking for something new to download and play. This looks like a great option for them.
This is so different from most apps. I like the creativity and imagination it fosters. My grand daughter would love this, and frankly, so would I!
this site looks like a lot of fun; I caught myself playing the games lol!
I love how kid friendly the website is!
I like the games! They are very educational! My grandson loves to play learning games like this!
I learned that you can use these apps on a variety of mobile devices and they are educational as well.
I learned that their apps are designed for iPhone, iPad, iPod and android devices..which makes it very accessible!
I like their philosophy that learning isn’t all about math and literacy it’s about creativity and fun!
I learned that even though it is fun and entertaining it is still educational.
I am a big fan of the Avokiddo games, as are my students. I teach English as a second language to children in The Netherlands, and Beck and Bo is the absolute favorite of my younger students. The emotions game gives me the opportunity to give instructions in English which they have to follow, and then report what the response is of the character. I love it! The Avokiddo website is clear and informative, and I love the fact that children are involved in the making of the apps. I completely agree with your philosophy, that learning is more than literacy and maths!
Really interesting.
On the Avokiddo website I learned that Avokiddo makes apps that help kids have fun and learn while using tablets.
I had never heard of the Avokiddo brand, but I really like this Emotions app. I’m a counselor – so it’s relevant.
I learned that these are games designed by parents for kids.
They believe kids should be active and engaged in their own learning.
I think this app. will definitely keep my grandkids entertained. I love it!
I like the reader friendly style of this blog.
I think this sounds fun and educational for kids.
I love that the Games designed by parents for kids!The reviews on their website are awesome!
Looks like a neat little app. I like that it allows the kid to control everything.
I learned that their philosophy is that education should be more than teaching math and literacy.
It looks like a cute way to inspire creativity. I like that it is available on a wide range of devices.
Avokiddo Emotions app is a fun way for kids to learn about emotions by dressing up, feeding, sharing toys and interacting with a crazy cast of characters.
Sounds very entertaining for the kids and even for the parent(s)! I think it is educational for kids to interact with the game and see how emotions are formed.
It´s important to keep kids attention nowadays while learning and since technology is now apart of a kids educational experience it is a great tool to provide kids educational games.
I like the idea that there is an emphasis on interaction, social skills and etiquette. It’s pretty obvious that the internet is creating an environment where these topics really need to be introduced into childhood development
They have some super nice toys kids can interact with and make them giggle.
I have a young grandchild, and I learned that educational games can be played by her.
Great App! Love how it continually (without being repetitive) keeps your child entertained and allows them to use their “own” imagination.
I learned from the AvoKiddo Website that children are involved in designing their Apps – using their mindset and creativity.
I love that these apps will induce giggling in my kids but that they will be learning while they are having so much fun.
I also love that the apps are for iPones, iPads and Android tablets so that my children can play them wherever we may go.
I love how funny the characters are, kids will love them!
I love that the children can explore things in a new and interesting way.
Games designed by parents for kids: Avokiddo Emotions help kids learn about emotions; Beck and Bo is good for them learn about objects, animals and environment =)
I learned that the kids can have fun and use their imagination while they are learning when they play the games.
I really like the look of this game. The animation is gorgeous! I’ll admit I’m not really a fan of traditional cartoon animation, but I like the sophisticated and modern look of these characters while still keeping it child-friendly and appropriate.
I learned that the games are deigned by parents for kids and help children to learn through active exploration and interaction.
Creating games for kids takes more than applying technical knowledge and practicing programming techniques. It takes serious personal involvement.
Great concept for teaching kids about emotions.
the games are really cool
I learned avokido emotions teaches children about emotions through interacting with zany zebra,shy sheep and jolly giraffe.
I think my child would enjoy the Beck and Bo educational game. Thanks for the giveawasy.
I love that AvoKiddo has figured out a fun, simple way for children to identify emotions and learn to read them better in other people. I can see how this could teach kids to be more empathetic, which is a great life skill to have! I really want my daughter to be a good communicator so that she can have great relationships with her family and friends, and I think that this app would be a great foundation for that!
emotions and empathy are one thing i like about this while playing they can learn so much things one needs in life
Too cute! Looks like a lot of fun for the kiddos 🙂
This looks like a fun game that will keep children busy for hours
I learned that it teaches children about emotions!! I would love this for my nephew!
The zebra and giraffe remind of the animals from the Madagascar movie.
Avokiddo is a great website for kids to show their emotions through animals.
The website is great! Very well made and brilliant to use. 🙂
This is a great app for kids with Asperger’s Syndrome. The usually have a problem with emotions and social skills.
I think Avokiddo’s apps are educational and they have original concepts.
I learned that Avokiddo Emotions has been chosen as our latest Top Pick on FunEducational Apps.
Good variety of games.
These are great apps for children to play games and learn. The colors and animals caught my attention right away, so I know the kids will love them!
I love the educational games they have,kids could learn a lot from them.
The games look fun and the characters remind me of the animals on Madagascar
annabella @ centurytel dot net
These apps reminded me of when I was a child and there was a particular computer game where I was able to create environments, story lines, and characters. I can imagine that my kids would love them and be very interested in seeing what reactions they could stimulate with the characters.
What a fun and creative way to teach kids about emotions!
Looks like a neat app, would definitely download it if I had kids!
I learned that part of their philosophy is that learning should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction.
I love that this appeals to kids, works on multiple devices and also helps teach kids to express their feelings!
I bought a cheap game at a yard sale once called Funny Faces. It is like this but hands on. reminds me of paper dolls. My grandson loves it and he is 3 years old. This would be fantastic for him on his tablet.
I learned that during the past 10 years, they have developed numerous educational applications for museums, institutions and public events, gaining significant experience in creating educational content for large-scale touch screen devices.
I learned that they’ve worked with museums and institutions on touch-screen apps. 🙂
I think my son would really have fun with this app. He loves character apps. I’m going to add this to my wishlist for when I get this iTunes gift card I’m expecting.
My sons, 6 and 3, are on the autism spectrum. We play with this app frequently to work on emotions. They *love* this app. It’s fun!
I learned their Avokiddo Emotions app helps kids explore feelings by interacting with the characters.
I have the Emotions app, and I love it. It is entertaining for both kids and adults. Dena wrote the review, and she summed up the main playing parts very well.
This is such a cool app! My favorite feature is it contains dozens of richly nuanced reactions and complex emotions expressed through body language, which encourages kid’s imaginations 🙂
I visited the Avokiddo site. I liked that the games were designed by parents for kids. I also liked that the 2 games, Emotions and Beck and Bo, had easy to find links to Apple iTunes, making them easy to download. The reviews on the site were also very helpful.
I learned that they’re Apple-exclusive right now, which is a shame. Hopefully they’ll expand their line to more platforms, as well as expand their educational products to more than just very young kids. There’s so much room for other things for them to do, even with just the young group they target now. Imagine the language learning possibilities if you could get a product to a kid at a young enough age. When I was little, I watched Sesame Street all the time, and they had bits of Spanish on it. I must’ve been around two, and my mom was walking me through a store. I pointed at something and spoke, but she thought I was mumbling gibberish. A lady walking past us then said, “That’s right, a horse!” I apparently had caballo stick in my head. Young kids have very flexible minds, and it just seems like the line of products could hit more topics.
founded in 2013!
Avokiddo’s apps such as Bo and Beck and Emotions allow children to learn through exploration and experimenting. In this way they learn to process information rather than just solely learn something by rote. Emotions in particular is rich in meaning and can help a child not only learn non verbal lessons but assimilate it into their everyday life.
I learned that Avokiddo apps are fun and educational games for children for iOS devices and android devices.
This is an excellent app! I use it in speech therapy for language development!
I learned that their philosophy is that education should be more than teaching math and literacy. It should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction. An environment where they can use their imagination to reveal their true inner self; a world infused with purity and creativity! We design our games with love and affection, truly believing in these principles.
i learned that the apps are fun and educational
I like that everything they create is done in house. That is nice to see!
the animal Avokiddo Emotions are so cute and the concept is great
I learned that AvoKiddo has the philosophy that children should learn in a challenging and stimulating environment where they can use their imagination to the fullest! Love this philosophy for my future children!
It is heartening to note that excellent quality apps are available for younger children that interlace learning with fun. Especially appreciate focus on building empathy and understanding the relationship between cause and effect.
I like that you can download it on different platforms
Visited the site and I like their philosophy, to learn is not merely to memorize, which is a passive, repetitive and accumulative process, but to build a state of awareness that keeps the mind fresh, passionate and highly creative.
No kids in my life right now, but I can see how this would be fun & educational for kids.
Thanks for the contest.
I can imagine how excited my son would be to play it its a very cool app that i can imagine even me loving!!
This looks like an app that my 6 year old daughter would like. I’ll download it once I’m done with the tasks for this contest. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
I feel this app would really help older children show their creative side!
I like the fact that there are apps for children
That sounds like a lot of fun for young children. Cute and educational.
I was laughing so hard as I watched the video, I can imagine how excited my grand daughter would be to play it!!!
I love the idea of the crazy characters with the ability to evoke emotions and creative to boot. I can imagine playing it myself for giggles not just kids :p
would be nice
It’s refreshing to see educational games that don’t just use repetition to drive the idea home. Hopefully, this game is as good as the hype. I will have to look into it. 🙂
well for one thing the name avokiddo is catchy! but you have very educational games that will keep the kids engaged and learning.
I like that it is educational and very upbeat and fun… makes it easier to learn … great music too
I like the idea of playful learning for kids in an open ended free style playroom.
I like that their application are eductional but at the same time fun and entertaining.
I learned that their games have won several awards. I like that the games are designed by parents.
Cool app.
Cute app.
These apps are educational and entertaining. It takes something to grab the interest of a child and these do that.
I have a young relative who loves the Avokiddo apps, she plays them all the time and always enjoys it.
This is the app that caught my attention when I left my first response. Now I know what I was thinking, this would be a great game/learning experience for young children. It’s “pretend” playing on electronics! Like we once did with our barbie dolls and tea parties. Pretend playing for the 21st century. The good thing is, you get a response. I don’t believe Barbie ever did much but sit there while I did all the talking.
I’m a grandma nanny to 5 grandkids…I like they can have fun and learn at the same time…I am sooooo over cartoons!!!!
I like that Beck and Bo teaches little ones story-telling and pre-writing skills. The animation style is very appealing.
AvoKiddo apps are educational yet fun, children apps that available on Apple and Android devices.
I like the way this teaches kids about cause and effect. “If I do this…then this will happen.” I think kids need to learn about that so they can understand how that works in the real world.
I love that this teaches children how to express an react to what they are feeling. This should be in every preschool in America.
nice learning tools for kids
I like that the Avokiddo’s apps are both educational and entertaining for kids.
I like that the games are designed by parents for kids and the concepts they try to let influence are positive and good to learn in a child’s mind.
my daughter would love this because the characters are so cute.
I was impressed by the concepts of the games: no violence or robots and aliens. Good games that are educational ,creative, sensitive to emotions.
I learned that Avokiddo’s first app, Beck and Bo, was released last year.
I like that the apps can be played on all my devices.
I love the fun pictures under Meet the Team!
I think the Beck and Bo game is super cute, my boys would love making fun scenes. And it even won a 2013 Parent’s Choice Approved Award. 🙂 Pretty cool stuff!
it seems like a very well put together kids game. usefull and helpfull
I learned that they have a lot of nice games and apps 🙂 And the apps are really cute! 😛
I like the Avokiddo Apps because they make it easy for your child to learn and grow while having fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
The Avokiddo’s apps are very educational…
The app is great, fun, and educational. I like that it teaches children about emotions and social skills.
I like the website it was very cute and that they have games to download, I can tell my friends about for their kids.
the characters are adorible! my son would love this fun game!
Avokiddo makes apps for kids on Android or IOS devices and they all help in development
This is a really cute and excellent way for children to learn about emotions and expression.
This is an excellent tool for kids who are learning new words. It expands their vocabulary to include words that they may not hear on a day to day basis
I love how cute the animals are.
Avokiddo Emotions has been featured on the Main Banner in the Education section of the App Store in the US, Canada, UK and 10 other countries and received a designation as New and Noteworthy from Apple’s Editors.
The games looks very educational , my kids would love those!!!
that the games are created by parents for kids.
This is so cute! My kids would love this. I love that it is both fun and educational.
I like that the kids are having fun while learning social skills.
I learned they have another game, Beck and Bo, where kids answer questions and identify animals and objects to create a world for the animals to play in! What a creative way to gets kids’ minds working overtime!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
These games look so fun and unique. Learning through creativity and exploration is SO important for kids! I love the style and color of these games.
The site is very simple to navigate which makes me want to explore it.
learned it won 3 awards
TOP PICK – Fun Educational Apps
Editor’s Favorite – Appysmarts
Gold Award – Beste Kinder Apps
i learned that there philosophy is that education should be more than teaching math and literacy. It should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction
I learned that the games are available for Android and Apple but unfortunately not Windows, which would have been of interest to me!
I love that they are geared to making the children have fun and laugh. Everything is so serious, these are a wonderful relief.
I learned that their philosophy is that education should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction.
Our philosophy is that education should be more than teaching math and literacy. It should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction. An environment where they can use their imagination to reveal their true inner self; a world infused with purity and creativity! We design our games with love and affection, truly believing in these principles.
5th try on that stupid caption..WHY??????????/
I love portable (read smart phone!) games that are both educational and handy when you are stuck waiting – doctor’s appointments, picking someone up and then like. Great concept from a great company!
I visited the website and learned that prior to the release of Beck and Bo in 2012 Avokiddo designed educational apps for museums, institutions and public events. I like the idea that the company cares about children so much and that the designers of the apps are parents too.
It’s a great app for kids to learn as they play games.
I learned they were founded in 2013
There are so many choices for play. It builds imaginations and creativity.
I learned that Avokiddo makes apps for kids to use on I-Phone or Android devices that make learning a fun game-like experience.
Great new app and games to help kids connect with their emotions. Wish you didn’t have two captchas! I keep getting the print one wrong.
The AvoKiddo emotions app looks especially helpful and interesting for children, particularly some autistic children who have problems relating to other children or reading their emotions. I like this app a lot.
This app looks super cute! My four year old would love it!
I love that their games help kids to learn!
learned that our children will discover these emotions and more by dressing up, feeding, sharing toys and interacting with their new-found digital friends using over 100 uniquely themed props in this endless play funhouse.
What a clever and fun app. Love the art style.
What a great way for children to learn to express themselves.
this app is fantastic i bet for autistic children showing them great things, i probably will purchase this for my son.
I like that they have games for emotions
I like the interactive site and that the games can be previewed.
I really like the Avokiddo Emotions – Playful learning for kids game. I think my boys could have so much fun playing that!
It inspires children to use there imagination!!
I think I would like the Beck and Bo little game for the pre-schoolers here. I cannot believe HOW MUCH the 2 year old can “get” in regards to working the tablet. SO funny to watch her. They have ONE little drawing app thingy that they let her do and it’s a kick. I would like to get more.
I learned that you can download the app for the iphone or the droid.The game has cute animals in it.
I learned that the games are educational, yet fun for children. I like that children have to explore the different games/environments, yet don’t realize they are still learning at the same time.
I think their educational games are awesome!!
My children would love this. The site has funny characters which my daughter would absolutely love.
I like that the educational games make learning such a fun interactive activity!
The games combine learning with hilarious fun and there are lots of props available.
Thse animal Avokiddo Emotions are so cute and the concept is great
the emotions app would be great for my grandkids
I learned that the wonderful folks who created this have a background and experience which includes architecture, computer science, virtual reality, interactive design and graphic arts. Very sweet. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I don’t have kids, so it’s not really useful to me.
what an amazing apps for kids
I like that they say ” Respect children’s innocence and genuineness I think in this day and age that is really important
my niece will love these games
This one I really like. It’s like those “Dress Barbie” games but way more educational and unisex too! Love that giraffe!
Thhis looks so fun and funny for kids! A great way to get them excited about learning.
I love the great games, especially Beck and Bo. I think it’s important to get kids used to computers at an early age and these apps are a great way to do it. I love the bright colours, the cute characters and the mix of fun and learning.
Beck and Bo is another game that they have. It focuses on different activities in different environments.
Wow, I didn’t know that they are fun educational game for toddlers and preschoolers. This is the first time I saw them!
It is good to talk about emtions with children. Enjoy the time.
The app seems fun. I know my kids would like it.
I like that serious learning and coping skills being taught in the guise of silliness and fun video games.
I really liked the videos!
I like that the Avokiddo’s apps are both educational and entertaining and they have original concepts.
Sounds like a great thing for kids.All the educational games! Just a great way to get the kids learning!
I like that the characters don’t look as high-tech as some others
learned that there are educational games for kids which are designed for various electronic devices
I like that it incorporates fun into learning about emotions and emotional regulation.
I learned that the Avokiddo Team’s background and experience includes architecture, computer science, virtual reality, interactive design and graphic arts.
Avokiddo is a creative studio specializing in the development of quality educational apps for children.
I want to win this
If I had kids, I would have downloaded this app, because it is so creative and fun, it leaves place to imagination, which is SO important ! I love the design too, so cute !
my kids would love this app. I really wish I had a tablet they could play with great apps like this one.
I love this new Avokiddo app for many reasons, but mainly because it will let our kids unleash their imagination and creative side, they will learn and have fun while doing it.
I really like the Avokiddo Emotions app because I love that kid will have over 100 themed props to dress up the giraffe, zebra, and sheep to keep them occupied.
Avokido Emotions teaches children about emotions through interacting with zany zebra, shy sheep and jolly giraffe.
I love how engaging it is and how you can personalize it.
This is a fun app for kids, they will like it for sure
I have this app on my phone. My nephew loves it. It keeps him busy for hours and its educational, so I love it
I learned that they also make the Beck and Bo apps, which I love! I love these apps! No wonder they are so good…they are designed by parents!
Their games are designed by parents for kids!
Avokiddo’s apps are educational!!!
I love the concept of the Avokiddo app, I learned the kids arouse their interest for learning and acquiring new skills, which I love when they use their mind to create and learn.
I like that the characters don’t look as high-tech as some others; that accessible touch is very appealing!
Avokiddo says they design games with love and affection. That is apparent in both games. As a result, both of the apps are loveable! Sweet characters, cute actions and pleasant music…especially at the Emotions disco! Use these apps all the time with my speech therapy clients.
I love your philosophy- “To learn is not merely to memorize, which is a passive, repetitive and accumulative process, but to build a state of awareness that keeps the mind fresh, passionate and highly creative.” Not all developers work with that thought in mind.
I love this app! Well, I haven’t used it yet, but I think I would love it, and my daughter would too. The characters are so zany and cute. This game would entertain a child for a long time because it seems the combinations are limitless, so they might never see the same thing twice.
I learned that they’ve worked with museums and institutions on touch-screen apps.
there apps are wonderful for children including the special needs
We bought this app and love it! There are so many skills you can work on with a child in such a playful and fun manner. From fine motor, to speech, actions,emotions. It’s such a cute app!
I learned that you also made Beck and Bo. That’s another great app.
I love that while playing kids can learn about emotions and empathy – important interactions.
I learned Avokido Emotions teaches children about emotions through interacting with zany zebra, shy sheep and jolly giraffe.
I learned that AvoKiddo’s philosophy is that education should be more than teaching math and literacy. It should provide a challenging and stimulating environment where children obtain knowledge through active exploration and interaction. An environment where they can use their imagination to reveal their true inner self; a world infused with purity and creativity! We design our games with love and affection, truly believing in these principles.
These games look fun for kids.
My kids would love this app! The characters are too cute.
This app looks like so much fun and I feel my grand kids would love it! I love anything that makes the kids have some empathy for other living things.
I think Avokiddo’s apps are both educational and entertaining and they have original concepts.
Seems like a fun game for kids!!!!
This is very cute and a good idea. Children love dressing up. They like pretending, and they realize that they have emotions but often don’t know how to express them or think about others having emotions, too. This could be a good parent/child bonding and laughing/learning together.
Thse animal Avokiddo Emotions are so cute and the concept is great
such a cute app for kids and it helps with learning too and being creative which they really need
This app looks so cute for older kids. My son is only 10 months old so he would just stick my phone in his mouth. haha. but i’ll have to keep it in mind for the future
The technology our children have to play and learn with is amazing. These games look fun and easy for younger children to learn and create. Thanks for the review !!