Are you looking to reach a wide audience with a great product? Well, The Review Wire’s Gift Guides can help.
Gift Guide Submissions Requirements:
To participate, we ask for a minimum of $75 in full-sized product(s)/gift cards sent to The Review Wire. Product samples will not be returned. If offering a giveaway, there must be a minimum of 1 winner and $100 in product/gift certificate shipped directly to the winner. No Additional Fees.
Sponsored Gift Guide Placement
If you choose not to provide the product or we are unable to use the product, we still offer you a way to be featured in the guide with a sponsored placement; the fee is $75.
Sponsored Articles:
For the cost of $350, an article can be written and published within 48 hours of payment, highlighting the product/company where it can be purchased, along with shout-outs on social media. There can also be an exclusive discount code inserted in the article.
AD Spots
We offer three ad spots on our sidebar in a 300×300 size. These buttons will be $150 each for 30 days. They can be an image of your company or product, information about your company, and a direct link to where to purchase. These are first come, first serve and must be family-friendly. Please contact us at PR for more information.
As part of the Gift Guide, your brand will receive:
- A post on our Facebook page
- A listing on our Corresponding Pinterest Board
- A Tweet promoting your product and brand
- Inclusion in the Gift Guide with a 200×200 image along with information about the company/product and a link to the site (an example of Valentine Gift Guide)
- For an additional fee ($75), an image or story can be placed on Instagram.
Product will need to be received no later than (tentative):
- Valentine’s Gift Guide: February 13
- Easter/Spring: April 30
- Mother’s Day Guide: May 6
- Father’s Day Guide: June 10
- Summer Guide: June 30
- Back To School: August 31
- Breast Cancer Awareness: October 31
- Fall Guide: October 30
- Halloween Guide: October 30
- Christmas Gift Guide
If you are a PR rep or business owner who is interested in being featured in The Review Wire’s Gift Guide, please contact us at PR @ or fill out the contact form here. Filling out the form does NOT automatically approve your product(s) or service(s). You will be contacted via email with the status of your acceptance.
I like looking at gift guides. Obviously, at Christmas they give you ideas you never would’ve thought of. But on holidays like Valentine’s Day, I might be looking to find things I want rather than gifts for others, lol.