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Disclosure: The Walmart gift cards and information have been provided by P&G.
I am a Walmart shopper, you just can’t beat their prices! It is that time again where P&G partners up at Walmart to bring you even better prices on select items.
Bounty Mega Roll Select a Size, on Rollback $15.97. The select a size are the only paper towels I purchase!
My favorite brand of detergent…Tide! Tide Simply Clean and Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent is only $8.97.
Charmin Ultra Soft or Ultra Strong Toilet Paper is on rollback to $16.98.
From now through Thursday, April 30th, 2015 you can purchase the following P&G products during the Walmart Stock Up and Save Event:
- · Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent
· Tide Simply Clean and Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent
· Charmin Ultra Soft or Ultra Strong Toilet Paper
· Bounty Mega Roll Select-A-Size Paper Towels
· Luvs Super Absorbent Diapers
· Pampers Swaddlers Huge Pack
· Tampax Pearl Plastic, Super Absorbency
· Always Ultra Thin Long Super Unscented Pads
· Always Discreet Maximum Underwear
· Always Discreet Moderate Regular Length Pads
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I love Bounty paper towels and they’re so strong. I also have Charmin on my weekly list. It’s so soft and gentle. I would stock up on them if I were the winner!
I would have to stock up on laundry detergent and toilet paper. I have a daughter in college so we try to buy this stuff when it is on sale. Thanks for the chance!
I’ll stock up on Charmin & Bounty.
Thanks for the contest.
I love P&G products and use them every day. I especially love Tide and Cascade.
I use a ton of their products. I like buying Tide and Charmin.
I use a lot of their products. I use tide, bounty, charmine, and other products of theirs
I would stock up on the Bounty paper towel when on sale. I like that Bounty always lasts longer then with some other brands.
Charmin Ultra Strong is my family’s fave! And Tide!
I am fairly indifferent about a lot of cleaning products, but i have to always have Tide!
We love all of the P&G products. Whenever there is a sale on them I stock up. Bounty is the best paper towel there is for absorbing messes. I love the way Tide cleans my clothes and leaving them smelling wonderful.
Pampers are a must with a new nephew. I like Tide to was our clothing and we use lots of there products everyday in our home
I am so happy about this stock up sale. My family goes through paper towels and toilet paper like mad. I also will buy the Tide.
I love Procter and Gamble products!! I would more than likely stock up on Luvs Diapers ( two month old daughter) and Tide since there are 10 people living here!! Thanks so for the opportunity!!
My favorite P&G products are Tide laundry detergent and Tampax.
They have some great deals. I will get some tide and bounty towels.
I always buy Charmin & Bounty when they’re on sale. They’re the only brands of toilet paper & paper towels I will buy, even if I have to pay a little more. I occasionally buy Tide when it’s on sale but it has to be a really good deal.
While this sale is going on I will probably stock up on bounty paper towels, charmin toilet paper and always pads.
we often buy p&g products. our main stays are charmin, bounty, tide, and bounce
I buy tide the most. I will take advantage of the luvs diaper deal also
Tide and Charmin are 2 products that I could definately use. I run out of them all the time!
I would stock up on Bounty, Charmin and Tide products.
I buy Tide and Bounty the most. It seems like I do a load of wash every day, I really go through the Tide and I like how well it cleans the clothes.
Please write at least 2 full complete sentences
i mostly buy the tide pods when they are on salem,and ive used bounty before its the quicker picker upper right?..hey! im just here to win baby!
My favorite P&G product is Tide. I find it to be the best detergent and always leaves a long lasting fresh scent on my clothes.
I always buy Tide (even when it is not on sale) because it really works. Bounty is another great P&G product. I love P&G products because they are quality products.
Love me some P&G Products, can’t never have to much!!
I am an avid Walmart shopper and love to combine the P&G coupons will lower prices. I try to buy a years supply of Charmin, Bounty, tide and olay.
I stock up on Tide and Swifter Sweeper products as well as Magic Erasers. I love P&G products. I of course stock up on Bounty and Charmin. These things are things that are ALWAYS needed in the household.
Wouldn’t a real question be, for all of us, is what would we do without P& G products? Wow, I mean when you count them all.. Tide leads my list, for sure. I try others, I always come back to Tide.
The list of P & G products I use is so vast… do many realize Olay is from them? And Cover Girl? Puffs! I can’t live without those puffs with lotion. oh DAWN.. LOL maybe that tops Tide in have to have.
Anyway, the list is vast.
I love P&G products, especially Bounty, Pantene, and Tide.
The proctor and gamble products I use most on sale is tide products. I love their detergent to get clothes clean.
I most like to buy the Bounty paper towels when they’re on sale. Love P&G products and buy them frequently.
My favorite P & G products are Tide and Bounty, I always stock up when they are on sale.
I use P&G products all the time around the house. My favorites are Charmin, Tide and Dawn dish detergent. 🙂
Tide,Bounty and Charmin are all things we buy on a regular basis.I love P&G!
The P&G products I buy most often are Crest toothpaste and Cascade dishwasher soap. They are always on my shopping list. P&G is a name you can trust!
I love shopping at Walmart! It still is my go-to store for savings. I also love P&G products. I’m looking forward to stocking up on Bounty, Charmin and Tide!
I buy Tide and Charmain. Of the other P&G products listed, I don’t need to use or don’t have kids that would use them 🙂
I would stock up on the Pampers because we have a baby on the way;)
I love using P&G products all around my home. I like Tide and Charmin the best. I just bought some Tide detergent today at Publix.
When my oldest was a baby I swore by Pampers diapers. They are simply the best disposable diapers on the market.
I’m a big fan of P&G products, especially Bounty paper towels!
This is a great deal. i always have lots of bounty and Tide on hand.
I will definitely be stocking up on Bounty Mega Roll Select-A-Size Paper Towels. My husband goes through paper towels like crazy (at least a roll a week). I do not know what he does with them but we always seem to need them.
I love P&G products. I would stock up on Tide and Bounty.