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UPDATE: This apps are no longer available. Please visit our other app reviews.
The BelugaBloo Kids Bookstore is a free App to download, then you can pick and choose which books you would like to purchase from the bookstore. You can look for books from ages 1-12 and in several different languages (English, Spanish and Simplified, and Traditional Chinese). The books run from .99 – $2.99. I selected several religious apps to review. The books feature Read by Myself, Read to Me, or Auto Play. The feature I like the best in all these apps is that at the end of each story it talks about the main idea of that Bible Verse.
The Birth of Baby Jesus: The story introduces how Jesus was born and God’s promise of delivering his people with a Messiah. Share with everyone God’s present to us all! This book also offers interactive scenes. Moral: Jesus came to Earth and sacrificed himself to save us. It features read to me, read by myself, and autoplay. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and runs 1.99.
The Garden of Eden: The Garden of Eden is one of the most well-known accounts taken from the bible. It illustrates good and evil. Discover how Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s orders and sowed the very seed of human’s first sin! This has very cute illustrations with beautiful colors. It features read to me, read by myself, and autoplay. Moral: There are rules everywhere that we should obey. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and runs .99.
The Tower of Babel: The Tower of Babel reveals men’s obnoxious attempt to reach heaven through their own efforts. God consequently confused the languages of the people and daunted their efforts of building the tower. Moral: God does not like pride. It features read to me, read by myself, and autoplay. The app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and runs .99.
The Creation: Discover how God created the whole world in just 7 days! Read and learn about God’s amazing creations day by day. Plant beautiful flowers and trees, and play with creatures under the sea, on the ground, and in the sky! This book has a calendar on the screen to tell you what day God created everything. There are interactive on-screen activities like changing day tonight. Moral: God is the creator of all things. It features read to me, read by myself, and autoplay. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and runs $1.99.
The Crossing of the Red Sea: The story of Exodus – Moses, specially sent by God to lead the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt, out of their life of slavery to the promised land. They surely did not have a smooth journey, but God had always been there for them. I love the illustrations in this story! The colors and drawings make this a beautiful retelling of the story. Drag, tap the screen for interactions. The moral: God will take care of people who have faith in him. This book features Read By Myself, Read to Me and Read and Play. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and runs $3.99
Disclosure: I was provided with product for this review. All views and opinions with regard to BelugaBloo Religious Apps review, products or the company are my own and were not influenced by the company.
These are wonderful stories at an affordable price, will have to look into it for my nephew
sibabe64 at ptd dot net