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As a nursing Mother, the first time around, I survived with a Boppy. A Boppy pillow had been given to me along the way but was pretty much useless because it had lost its shape. I thought about purchasing one but opted not to because I was afraid the product would lose its shape on me and felt that money was better spent on diapers!
A few weeks before I gave birth to Sissy I was offered the opportunity to review a new Mombo nursing pillow. I usually get excited to try products, but this was something else I had to find time to write a review on. But, once I used it, I found myself reaching for it more and more.
The first time I used it was when I was nursing the baby. With our new couch, I didn’t have anywhere to support my arms while holding her. I simply took the Mombo and “wrapped” it around me, and then placed the baby on top. The Mombo Nursing Pillow was firm enough to keep her in place and allowed us to nurse in different positions.
In addition, I wasn’t sure I would like the vibration that the Mombo Nursing Pillow offers. However, with a colicky baby with acid reflux, I’ve been open to trying anything to soothe her {ok, I just wanted her to stop crying!}. The first few times I sat her supported in the Mombo with the vibrator on, she looked around and, if she could talk, would’ve said: “What the heck is that?!?”. It distracted me for a few moments every time, but that was the end of that…
I love that one side is a bit firmer than the other. The softer side has made for some tummy time and a few great pictures. I know…I know! I’ve become a bit of a photography addict over these past few months and have tried everything to snap a few great pictures. When Sissy was a newborn, I used the firmer side to prop her into position, but now that she’s at the awkward age of wanting to sit up and roll over, I’ve been using the softer side. The Mombo Nursing Pillow would make a great gift for any Mommy-to-Be.
Stay Connected: Visit Bright Starts Website
Buy It: The price is very affordable at just $29.99 and can be picked up at your local Babies R Us store or Amazon.
As a canuck I am not eligible to enter, but wanted to stop by as part of the Shake Rattle & Roll Hop, If you get a chance stop by to enter my giveaway