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Are you looking for a great way to keep your kid’s creative juices flowing? I received a Discovery Box from Green Kid Crafts to review. Green Kid Crafts is the original arts, crafts, and science activity subscription service. “We are a mom-owned, green company that offers natural, sustainable and healthy choices for kids’ activities. With Green Kid Crafts, both parents and kids can enjoy earth-friendly, monthly projects that spark creativity and cultivate respect and love for the environment.”
The kit I received was called Feathered Friends. It had a bird paper bag puppet, a spying scope, and a birdhouse. We decided to work on the birdhouse first so my oldest son helped put it together for his brother to paint. It was very easy with step-by-step instructions. The house came with 2 florescent paint colors but my son wanted more so I whipped out some extra colors, “Mom, I love painting!” he said. With him just starting kindergarten a few weeks ago, he has been wanting to do more creative things, like color and crafts, much more so than my other two kids. The Green Kids Crafts Kits come as a monthly or annual subscription and contain 3 crafts in each kit.
Here Is Where I Need Your Help!
Starting on Sept 17th, FB fans will be able to vote for their favorite blogger (Hopefully The Review Wire) photos at Green Kids Crafts Facebook Page. For each vote, Green Kid Crafts will donate 50 cents to Healthy Child Healthy World, a non-profit, working to inspire, educate and empower parents to create a more healthy environment for their children.
Plus, the photo with the most votes will receive a 6-month subscription to Green Kids Crafts!
Please a minute, visit Green Kids Crafts Facebook Page and click the vote button for this ADORABLE little boy in the blue shirt and his FANTABULOUS yellow birdhouse!
voted, good luck!
You got my vote!Good Luck