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UPDATE 3/2016: This product is no longer available for purchase
The Rest Is Easy
Do you have a little one who thinks it’s time to get out of bed at let’s say 5:30 in the morning? Maybe you are lookin’ to master “quiet time” and your child isn’t sure when it’s alright for her to come out. Then the Sleepbuddy System is for you!
I’ll admit it right now – Mini Me sleeps in our bed and has for the past year and a half. While I love cuddling with her Mommy needs her bed back! In early 2010 my Mother in Law was pretty ill. I spent literally all day every day in the hospital with her keeping her company and rehabilitating her. During this time, I allowed Mini Me to sleep with the Hubs and I, because bed time was the only time I had with her. I loved our snuggle time! We started transitioning her back into her room with her big girl bed and then I got real sick with my second pregnancy and was hooked up to IV fluids at home during a 14-week time frame, not to mention in and out of the hospital. So yet again, I wanted my snuggle time and it was easier for me (and the Hubs) to simply stay in bed during this time.
SleepBuddy is for children who are:
- In the crib and moving to a bed within 1-2 months
- Currently transitioning from crib to bed, or
- Sleeping in a bed but not staying through the night
Well now Sissy is here and it’s time for Mini Me to again transition back into her bed. We started out with “quiet time” and she would spend time in her room. As long as she was reading a book, listening to her radio or taking a nap during the day I was good with that. But, she would come out of her room every 10 minutes asking if she was allowed out. So I needed an indicator that she could use (besides the microwave timer!) that would teach her that she was allowed out of her room.
That’s where the SleepBuddy system comes in! First, I let her open her “present” as it was wrapped up in green wrapping paper and a blue ribbon. She was excited that she got a gift in the mail! Once she opened her present we opened it up and checked it out. She saw the story book and wanted to read it right away…and that’s what we did.
Next, I set up the timers in just a few minutes and plugged it into Mini Me’s room. The SleepBuddy is on the nightstand next to her bed and very easy for her to see. When the blue light is on, that means that she needs to be in her room. However, when the blue light is out she’s allowed to come out! It simply amazes me that within 2 days of using the SleepBuddy System that she knows when she’s supposed to be in her room. Never under-estimate children!
Quick Story – With the holidays, we all know how CRAZY life can get with running errands, baking cookies and visiting friends/family! We came home from shopping one day and she wanted to change her clothes. She went in and came right back out yelling “We can’t leave. My blue light is on!”. I had to explain to her that today was special and she didn’t need quiet time!
One (1) Winner will receive one (1) SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System. RV $34.95
This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on January 26, 2012.
Disclosure: I was provided with product for this review. All views and opinions with regard to the products or the company are my own and were not influenced by the company.
Getting closer to getting my 2 year old to stay but at 3am he’s up
They get a bath right before bedtime and we take them up, turn on the fans and night lights and lay them down. Pretty easy and thankful for it 🙂