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When I found out I was pregnant I would purchase clothing by the bulk, not individually. I was able to bargain and get a much better deal by taking them all! Plus, it was one less box the sellers had to move in and always LOVED the deal! When I heard of the service that thredUP offers, I knew I had to look into it.
If you are not familiar with thredUP, here’s how it works:
In order to maximize my savings, I went through all of the “older” clothing I had for Mini-Me. I thought I had clothing to last her until she was in a 4T, but, that’s not the case. Mini-Me is in need of 3T clothing! So I was grateful when thredUP came to be to do a review!
I searched “spring/summer, 3T” and came up with about 5 pages of options. Being that we don’t have pets and are non-smokers I felt that it was important to get a nice clean box! I ended up finding a box that contained several shorts, jumpers, a few shirts, and bathing suits. I was also able to look at a few pictures that were being offered and jumped on that box!
For the price of $15, it’s well worth it! If I would’ve bought the same items at Once Upon A Child, I probably would’ve spent well over $30, if not more.
- Since thredUP is a swapping community, you can also de-clutter by sending boxes of stuff your kids no longer use to other moms for free – all without leaving the house. Going green has never been easier…
- On average, swapping kids gear can lighten your overall eco-footprint by 5% (based on an EPA report and thredUP user stats).
- Since thredUP’s launch (last Earth Day) they have helped over 100,000 parents ‘up-cycle’ 500,000+ kids items – that’s enough gear to pave 200 miles!
- Swap instead of shop this Earth Day to lighten your family’s eco-thumbprint (without lifting a finger).
Stay Connected:
- Join
- Visit thredUP on Facebook
A lot looked great!! Some do not have pics!
I found a 5t box I would love to get for my sun full of tees and shorts for the summer
On the threadup website can I cheat and say I would like every box with 10/12 girls clothes? lol…I would like boxes with shorts and tshirts because she doesn’t have any summer clothes really. She grows literally out of her clothes each month it seems like.
There are so many I’d like to get- I have a couple of baby showers coming up
I’ve signed up with ThredUp and made my first swap/purchase today! My son is growing like a weed and so I just bought a great box of Summer and Fall, kids clothes on thredUP! It has Mostly Tops in size 4T, with Arizona and other brands. I can’t wait to get it and see all his “new” shirts.
I found a great box with Khakis and Dress Shirt, Western Shirt, 2 pairs of PJs in 4T. My son is still in 2 or 3T, but that seems to change daily, so I should start stocking up for the future!
Thredup is amazing! I found a couple of boxes that I love for my daughter for next fall. Baby Gap, Carter’s, and Osh Kosh in the perfect variety all in one box!
I love Thred Up! My husband and I are working hard to stay on a very strict budget so that we can pay off debt aquired in our college years. Our two kids, 5 years and 6 months, are growing like weeds and Thred Up basic membership allows us to get the kids clothes that fit while still reaching our financial goals. A free year of Pro membership would be AWESOME! (seeing as we can’t fork out the extra money while staying on budget). I am interested in any of the size 6 or 7 boxes that have pants and short sleeve shirts and then any of the spring / summer boxes for 9 to 12 months. Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
I <3 thredup! I've been using it for a few months now and I get so excited when someone picks one of my boxes because I can de-clutter by sending it to someone who needs it, plus I can reward myself by picking a new box for my son! I even got all of his baby-proofing items on thredup. He's going up a size soon so I've found some great 12m boxes I'd love to get. Thanks for the opportunity with the contest 🙂
I love ThredUp. We just got a box of super cute clothes for my 8 year old and I am expecting a box for my 3 month old. I’m getting two boxes ready to mail today. It’s addicting!!
I saw a box of shorts I might have to get for my 8 year old. She’s grown since last year!!
member of Thredup already!!! I would love boxes for my fast growing 8 month old who is already in 12-18 months!! We are flying through clothes!
I have spent hours looking on ThredUP at boxes! I will be picking a few boxes and listing several I really would love a free year of pro. I have three kids who always need clothing!
I couldnt find pictures of the clothes. Do they show you what you’re getting? I would buy a mixed set of bottoms and tops of 12 month clothes for my daughter.
I have spent hours looking on ThredUP at boxes and so many to choose from I can’t pick just one. I think I will be picking a few boxes and listing several I really would love a free year of pro. I have a new baby and she will always need clothing.