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Oceanhouse Media just released it’s fourth Tacky the Penguin omBook, Tacky Goes To Camp, for the introductory price of $1.99 for Apple devices.
Tacky is a penguin that marches to his own tune. In Tacky Goes to Camp, Tacky and his fellow penguins are off to summer camp in Nice Icy Land to enjoy themselves while rock hopping, line dancing, and playing Capture the Ice Cube. One night, they gather around the campfire to sing, eat s’mores, and tell scary stories. After going to bed, however, something straight out of one of their scary stories visits the sleeping penguins. Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect think they should high-tail it out of there, but Tacky has some ideas of his own.
Our Take: We were unfamiliar with Tacky before this app, but I know the author, Helen Lester, so I knew it would be good. I thought the illustrations were very cute. The book held my four years’ attention. We both liked that when you tapped on a picture, it said the word and the word appeared on the screen so he could see it. This book offers the Read To Me feature, which would be great for the beginning reader and younger child. And of course penguin lovers!
There are three ways that you can enjoy this book:
- ”Read to Me” — listen to the narrated story with words highlighted as they are read
- ”Read it Myself” — read the book in its traditional form
- “Auto Play” plays like a movie, automatically reading and turning pages. It’s great for younger children!
Robin Blankenship says
Tacky’s Christmas
Lily Kwan says
Tacky the Penguin looks very interesting!
Cori Westphal says
Oh Tacky’s Christmas sounds adorable!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Janet W. says
Tacky and the Winter Games interests me!