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Coffee Nerd by Ruth Brown details the history behind the beans and helps navigate us through the exciting, and sometimes intimidating, new wave of coffee. From finding obscure Japanese brewing equipment to recipes and techniques for brewing amazing coffee at home, readers will discover a whole new world of coffee possibilities.
Whether you like coffee or not, ‘Coffee Nerd’, by Ruth Brown is a fast, interesting history of coffee, its origins, and the various methods used to roast and brew this elixir.
The book is written in a simple, fast-read style and is filled with a frank discussion of coffee and its implicit coolness.
The book gives an in-depth history of coffee and how it’s been brewed and enjoyed for a thousand years. It touches on the big chain coffee houses and gives the reader tips on how to buy, roast, and brew beans at home.
Sometimes the book gets a little bogged down, but not very often, and when it does the book quickly picks up the pace and takes the reader along on an interesting journey.
This is a must-read book for anyone with an appreciation for coffee.
Buy It:
- The Coffee Nerd is available on Amazon
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My perfect cup of coffee is sweet and creamy. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Black coffee
I love coffee and drink it everyday, my favorite is with a little bit of cinnamon, some coconut sugar and coconut creamer. My favorite espresso drink is an Americano with almond flavor and a little bit of cinnamon.
My favorite way to drink a cup of coffee is with hazelnut creamer and splenda. I also sometimes like to add a little cinnamon.
the perfect cup of coffee is sitting in a dim room with music sitting quietly enjoying the calmness of the day for the time being
My perfect cup of coffee is hot with a little bit of flavored liquid creamer & about 2 & a half teaspoons of sugar. I have a Keurig and I love it! I didn’t start drinking coffee regularly until I got that, I even inspired my mom to get one & she loves hers as well. 🙂
My perfect cup of coffee is very hot, very dark, is a dark roast but buttery (like a Vienna Roast). I drink it now with almond milk though for years I loved warm cow milk.
My perfect cup of coffee has vanilla creamer in it. It is a french roast blend of awesome coffee. I have one cup every morning at 5 a.m.
my perfect cup of coffee includes some fresh brewed hot medium roast with my almond milk hazlenut creamer and sipping it while relaxing and enjoying some quiet time to myself.
My favorite cup is every morning with my caramel creamer!
I love coffee and so does my husband so we drink it together everyday. I love to drink 4 or 5 cups in the morning and I like it strong with a little creamer in it too. I don’t like just black coffee. I love to try out different flavors and brands too.
(sorry..I hit submit too soon.) I usually only have a mocha 2 or 3 times a week….nice treat!
My perfect cup of coffee is a nice hot mocha sitting at the computer relaxing.
My favorite cup of coffee was in the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, VA. Just a bit of sugar and real cream served by a whited gloved waiter on a little silver tray. I think there will be never again a more perfect cup of coffee.